Ohhhhhhhh, two of my favorite things, computer power and bamboo.

And now you laptop can be partially biodegradable.
Specs out at;
11.1 or 12.1 Inch, 1,280 x 768 display
Choice of 3/6/9 cell batteries, and something called the Super Hybrid allowing you to dial down the power when the wails of the Antarctic penguins become too much to bear.
Processor choices are the Intel T9400/P8600/P8400 Core 2 Duo processors, and 256MB of NVIDIA GeForce 9300 GS, a 320GB hubrid hard drive sporting 256MB of flash, Intel's WiMAX/Wifi Link 5100 chipset, and all of this for the wonderful price point of..... well....... good question, they have not released that yet.
Ahhhhhhchewwwwwwww, and now I'm clean...

I don't know why I did not think of this before, I have always wanted to press a huge nose on the wall and get something to rub all over my body......
Ok well all know that fighter planes are fast right? Well, really,, when you see this video they are REALLY fast.
Click the Link.
Not Photo Shop...

Progress, at least....

802.11n has been stuck in FCC hell for weeks, years actually. So lets just say to hell with N and jump right to R, you know like rrrrrrrr matty, shiver me timbers. So now were moving on to 802.11rrrrrrr,, sorry cant help my self. 802.11r, will allow devices to mnove from access point to access point with less than 50ms in downtime. Sweet.
Mona Lisa in a Second...
Well no one really knows how long it took Leonardo to paint the Mona Lisa, but most believe it took him about 4-5 years, and then he kept the painting for him self for many years after that, before releasing it.
The Mythbusters took all of a millisecond to paint theirs...
I need this...

While I like to try to stay away from screen printed tshirts as best I can, I will fully admit that I have three in my closet, after seeing this, I'm about to have four.
The Coolest solar charger...

No specs yet, no price yet, just a hole lot of awesome.

Wow, the things we can build...
There is a long argument that can be made for why this is one of the scariest things I have EVER seen. I am glad and frightened at the same time that man kind can build something like this, and at the same time there is someone in that machine using it in this way. There is also an argument that they have to do what they are doing, and I would like to take this moment to thank all those that are doing their part to protect me. Military and Civilian alike, politics aside, thank you for all your work.
My only hope is that if we can build such an amazing machine of war, what else can we do?
Please be-warned that this video is from a war zone, its not graphic, but there is violence.
And finally, Why Helmets Don't Suck...

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