I know what you are all thinking, well we know what WTF stands for, what does the A represent. Well Shami fans, its not what you think.
Earlier this week I was sitting in a meeting and needed to make a note that the person currently sharing the depth of their mental processes was "Off the Plantation" if you understand my meaning. So like any good middle manager would, I pulled out my trusty blackberry and went a-hunting (Yes, if your from PA, you can use the term a-hunting this time of year)
After a very short search, I came up with AWTF aka. Away With The Fairies. Seems it a health

See, a Fairie ->
For some reason, and its a very, very strange reason, I feel like I know this guy from somewhere, ice cream maybe.
Also, is that a red handkerchief as a groin cloth! No, wrong, never. Bad idea, never, ever, ever make a fairy pouch from a red handkerchief.
The Hobit Hole...

Most readers of this blog know that I am a fan of alternative housing, and we have talked about a few of them over the year, but this one is freaking cool.
"Why don't you go back to the hole you crawled out of, If you had a house like this, the answer would be "Hell Yea""
Read More -> Click Here <-
Duct (Not DUCK!) Tap WTF?.?

WOW, really all I can come up with is WOW! And not the good, WOW, you cured cancer kind of WOW. Its more like the, well you live in your grandmothers basement kind of WOW!
So tell me again why we are all not wearing these? Oh I know, Dork alarm! I can prove it:
1) The SMEGAL Yea I'm Cool Poster...
2) CSI NewYork on the TV, everyone knows that Miami is the cool one...
3) The plastic Dorm style organizer, when you are not in a dorm...
4) Grandmother's little, itty, bity lamp, awwwwwww how cute...
5) Is that a, NOOOOOO, really, yep its a dinosaur switch plate cover, see I told you this was not a dorm...
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