Its Cold here in the northeast. DAMM cold. So while I know you can and have ridden in the winter, its just, well in truth, not that much fun. I give you the following reason:
1) Two words - FROST BITE!
b) Dressing up like the a extremely reflective version of the stay-puff marshmallow man.
3) Cold and sometimes WET saddle - Never impressive after effect.
Since I can't ride, I came up with a plan. Well not true, My wife came up with a plan, and then gave me enough time to make me think it was my idea so I would get behind it!! She is so smart.
We have a gym membership, and since gym memberships are allot like in home trainers, it has been collecting dust for sometime.
Hang with me for a few here, will get to the point after a little back story.
Last weekend, I went through all of my clothes and donated the stuff I will not wear anymore. I got a storage tub together for all the stuff that don't fit now, but I would like to have fit again.
Well 1 tube was not enough... Gerrrrrr. It ended up being two 35 gallon tubs of clothing that I liked but does not fit me any more, and two of the shits that made the pile I bought not more then 5 months ago.
Well 1 tube was not enough... Gerrrrrr. It ended up being two 35 gallon tubs of clothing that I liked but does not fit me any more, and two of the shits that made the pile I bought not more then 5 months ago.
So the wife (love you sweetness) directed the following conversation:
Wife - If her best wife voice
"We are going back to the gym!"
Me - In my best whinny husband
"But, I hate the gym!"
"You're going, get over it"
Me - trying to sound depressed
So here is where I come to relies that my wife is a genius, I'm not talking about the saving man kind by building a better mouse trap genius. I'm talking the world is my puppet and all I have to do it pull the strings kind of genius. The kicker is she plays non-genius like for simplicity, and I think tax purposes.
We were supposed to go to the gym on Sunday, did not happen, we slept in, Monday, did not happen, worked to late.
We were supposed to go to the gym on Sunday, did not happen, we slept in, Monday, did not happen, worked to late.
By now, I feel like I got out of school for two days, but also I have been looking at my self in the mirror.
When was the last time you did that, I mean really look. If your over weight, take a look in the mirro with your shirt off!
How far down you sides do you arms hit?
Wow, that's a love handle, hell that's a love safety bar, its a love hotel.
What happened to my neck?
And here is the real kicker.
How far down you sides do you arms hit?
Wow, that's a love handle, hell that's a love safety bar, its a love hotel.
What happened to my neck?
And here is the real kicker.

Me in High School -
Buff, athletic, Has a neck!
Cheeks don't puff out at the ear line
No cheek meat creeping into my field of vision!
No cheek meat creeping into my field of vision!
Note the following:
Chin has friend growing under it
Cheeks go OUT at the ears
Neck? anyone seen the neck
Chin has friend growing under it
Cheeks go OUT at the ears
Neck? anyone seen the neck
Lets review the changes, ahh hell its easy,its 16 years and a 150 lbs.
My goal...
High school playing weight might be a little unrealistic, but being able to shop a Old Navy should not be.
Today: 351.9
1st Goal: 299.9
2nd Goal: 250.0
Final Goal: 225.0
Weekly Goal: 2 - 4lbs
Target Date: Nov 24th, 2010
Target Date: Nov 24th, 2010
How I plan on getting there...
Step 1: Continue to eat healthy
We do a good job at this, but I have a weakness, its the after work snack. Well kabatch to that. I joined up at livestrong.com, My Plate for Food and fitness tracking. (LINK)
Step 2: Eat less then your burn
Short of surgery, there is only 1 way to make your body loses weight. Its to eat less calories then your burn in the course of the day. I feel the key to that is to know what you ate at any given moment and then to STOP when you hit your goal. That is where livestrong.com and My Plate come in. If I eat it, I track it!
Step 3: Get active or die trying
I hate running, I have always hated running, but when I was an athlete, I was good at it. I was always a big guy, but I was a big guy in the way of, wow, he must be very strong. For a big guy I could run. 250 lbs and a 7.45 min mile. Time to get back to that.
Three very dear freinds of mine Dave H., Joe H. and Anna B. are all big fans of and support the Couch to 5k running program. (Link)
Last night I downloaded the podcast (Link), and the wife and I hit the gym.
I did something I have not done since 1996, I ran. No one was chasing me, I was not trying to get away from a crashing plane, I just ran.

Now I will fully admit that this program is designed for a couch potato, and not someone who has gained wight and is starting to look like a couch. But I ran. Me, big guy, RUNNING!!!
And it was... well... Fun.... what the hell is wrong with me...
There was a point in the podcast (I typed that potcast the first time, wow funny) where the guy says, "OK, this is your next to last push, you be starting to feel the effects of your runs at this point"
!!! bphuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Lets see was I feeling the effects? If the feeling that I was to be "starting to feel" was trying really hard to NOT throw up on the gym strumpet on the stair climber in front of me, then yea I was feeling it.
I completed Week 1 Day 1 and felt really good about my self, when I stepped off the treadmill I my legs went out faster than a diabetic child and pinata party, but I felt good.
Step 3 Part 2: We are going to PUMP you up.
I have two problem areas that need improvement.
1) Abbs - My six pack has gone south for the winter. "Me Tengo un six pack de cervesa, por favor"
2) Chest - Well lets just say I have never had that manly man chest and leave it at that shall we.
So to correct these two problems I am going to target them every time I am there with some sort of work out. It may always be something different, but I will always do something to work on these two areas.
Step 3 Part 3: My long lost Trigger.

I miss my bike, new job, new business yada, yada. But I miss ridding. I am going to get back in the saddle again.
Now I know what someone might be thinking. 'Hell man, you are running, and you can bike, all you have to do is get in some swim and you can do a baby tri"
Ahhhhhhh, well, there is a problem there, Its, you see, well, how do I put this nicely.
Thats not a typeo (cause you know they never happen around here) It was not supposed to be 'I stink', its 'I SINK', you know the opposite of FLOAT. I know what they say, fat floats right. I am living proff that is false. Oh I'm not talking go to the bottom like a rock sink, I'm talking nose just under water sink. Like can't breath without swimming sink.
I like running, biking and lifting for the reason that when I get to tired I can stop and and not Drowned! Its the same reason I like driving over flying, you can safely run out of gas. AAA can't do a blessed thing when you run out of gas in a plane!
I like running, biking and lifting for the reason that when I get to tired I can stop and and not Drowned! Its the same reason I like driving over flying, you can safely run out of gas. AAA can't do a blessed thing when you run out of gas in a plane!
This is why I keep my butt out of the deep end of the pool!
So that's the plan, I will post updates after they happen.
Now for the three common Broken Shami posts everyone seems to love.
Why Helmets don't suck...

SEE! This is EXACTLY why helmets don't suck
Have to give the kid points on his technique, lead with the head!
Sgt Pezzer's Fail of the Day...
Before having dignitaries on the show, always ensure the seating is in working order.
Crazy Pet Pic...
Ever wonder what your pets do when you not home, well they bring over their friends of course!
Good to see your blog updated, you slacker. :) Thanks for the mention. I too hate swimming, and I will be doing at least one duathlon this year, run 1.5, bike 15, run 3. Perhaps? It's in June I think, I'll let you know as it gets closer. (I am also going to suck it up and do the tri's as well, but I gotta get a little better at swimming/not drowning).
Dear Mr. Broken Shami (sorry, couldn't think of anything more original),
Loved reading your blog entries. Just discovered it last month and am actually saddened to not see any posts in several months. No idea the reason why and it's certainly none of my business, but just thought I'd send a message along that I think you've got a talent for blogging and to encourage you to pick it up again. Take care.
Signed, Fellow Biker with weight loss plans
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