Monday, September 29, 2008
Well today must have been Monday the 13th, I can prove that Mondays sucks.
Step 1: Sleep in to much in the morning. (LATE for work)
Step 2: Have to leave work early to get the wheal bearing replaced on my truck.
Step 3: While ridding home from work to go and get truck fixed, I head that sound of sounds on a bike, TINK!!!!!! The area of the green belt I was on at the time hear a blue streak for about 4 tenths of a mile. Front spoke just exploded.
Step 4: Drop truck off, for a 300 dollar repair bill, and then peddle to the police station to pay my fine for not having my truck inspected.....
Step 5: Finding out that the Police station I need to go to is 13 miles away.
Step 6: ridding out to MT Road, and not being able to find the right location
Step 7: Finding the ring location, paying the 150 dollars
Step 8: Take the long way back to burn off some frustration about the fine, and the car repairs costing money. I even told the cop that I was trying to save for a wedding, still got the ticket.
Step 9: Get back to Garage, out and back about 28 miles, and just about the amount of time for my truck to be done.
Step 10: Pay the garage
Step 11: Go to bike shop, get front wheal restrung, pay for that, 50 dollars.
Step 12: Go the hell home. Mondays are to freaking expensive for me anymore, I vote we boycott them from hear on out.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bang I've Been SHOT!!!!!!!
Wow, this one scared the poop out of me. While on the way home Friday, I was behind PennDot after taking the Lower "Something" Gobbler trail, I was rolling out to the small rise to make the crossing at camron street when I heard a 38 special gun shoot, followed by, well nothing, nothing at all.
The last time I had a tire blow there was a depressing hissing sound accounted with it as the tire went round and round. This blow out was so fantastical that all the air let go all at once. So off I went, walking for the next 30 min to get back to the truck. Got back safe and sound, not sure if anything can be done for it or not, but I'm going to shoot performance an email. They have been rock stars in the past when it comes to stuff like this so maby there is a chance they can hook me up.
In the mean time I put the Kenda semi slick back on the rear, its not as nice a ride for the back, but it does allow for some level leanancy.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Things that confuse cats...
Had to put some long pants on today, boy that sucks. nothing like lots of griping and tugging on your legs to make you feel slower
Tech Confuses cats...
I sure all you geeks our there with cats will be able to testify, that technology confuses cats just about as much as they confuse us when they chase that little dot on the carpet that only they can see. Well this printer must have been a threat. Watch your volume, it gets a little load.
And this one is just a moron
And lastly...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I approve...
The fish is back, and she's BAD!!!!
First day ridding the new rig, Daddy likes, Daddy likes a lot!
Wow, completely different ride then the old frame, it's about 2" shorter, front to back then the last one, figured that out when I went to lock it up and the cable stuck through the lock by an extra 2" inches.
The carbon rear is really, really nice, feels like you are much more connected with the back wheal.
Shifting, well I am going to have to kiss Rick at PP square on the lips when I see him, it has never shifted this good in it's entire life, wait its new, oh to hell with it I will figure it out later.
It's also more squirrely then the old frame, now I'm not 100% sure on this one, but it’s a hell of a lot more twitchy then the m80, but then again My truck is more twitchy then the M80.
I can definitely tell that the rack is sitting much higher, I am going to have to get used to the higher center of gravity, at the same time it does not take as much to make turns as it used to.
The real test will happen tonight, I'm going to throw a climb at it and see what its makes of it.
All in all, "I approve"
Why Helmets don't suck...
This had to suck! heheh get it Sucks...
Wow I need coffee
Monday, September 15, 2008
So the saga is over, and fairly painlessly I might add. Called the bike shop on Friday afternoon and they said that my new frame was in and ready for pickup. So after a half day of work in the office I was off to see what the bike shop had in store for me.
They had a blue, disk frame, what they called a "Marlin" replacement frame. Did the pick up, swap out my green Marlin and off I went to my local LBS. When I got there, Dustin made the comment "Why are the chain stays black, while the rest of it looked blue through the bubble wrap. After a quick unwrap, we discoverd that the entire rear triangle is CARBON??? Ok, while cool, on a MT bike?
So I picked up my box of parts, fittingly in a beer case, and off to pick up Dave, and then back to his house for beer and bike assembly. The LBS pressed in a new head set for me, a very nice Cane Creek S-3, and we were off to the races.
We got everything put on with the exception of the cables, the lengths were off and some of the houseing needed to be adjusted, and lets face it with out the cutter, getting though thouse housings is a pain in the butt.
So Saterday monrning I dropped the bike off at the shop, when I pulled in there was a Local police cruiser paked in the parking lot with the lights rolling? After walking in, I discoverd that someone drive friday night and shot out each of the front windows with a BB gun. Someone needs beaten! No one was in the shop at the time, and no bikes were injured, but glass everywhere.
The LBS was unable to work on it Saterday, they truly get bussier they a one leged man in a butt kicking contest. So I figured I would have it back on Monday-Wensday.
I woke up not feeling well, Have VPN access and decided that rather then drive and pay to park, I would work from home. At about 2:30 I got a call that my bike was set up and ready to go. I drove over and picked her up. Three new cables were in order, seems that my new rear break cable was fraying in side one of the housing, going to have to send a email about that.
One major issue that I ran into that Dave pointed out was that the rear end has no braise ons for a rack??? Probaly due to the carbon read. So I was thinking about getting a clamp on, after talking to the LBS they had me try theses clamp on braise ons and a standard rack. Unfornitualy it was not going to work, so I took it back, got a ten dollar credit and a new clamp on painer rack.
After 30 min or so of doing the final set up, and making a "bending" adjustment to the painer rack to get the bags away from the rear wheal I am all set up and ready to ride.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I might be a woozy, but I'm not telling...
I rode to work on Monday, got to Dave's house early, carpet bagged for a while and then hit the road.
This was the first time I rode in from his house with the lower profile tires on his bike, much faster. I took the long hill up to UPS then down into the green belt, taking the long way around PennDOT, gravel fun with these tires. I might be going crazy, always a good chance, but I think that with fattie tires his bike is faster in the gravel, then mine.
Go to work just fine, WOW- what time did we leave, I took just about the longest way to work I can, and I was still there 5 min faster then my usual.
Home was also wonderful, seems that almost killing my self ridding home on Friday was a good thing for the legs, I passed,, no FLEW by four people on confront bike behind PennDOT. Was some what funny, they had the largest handle bar mirrors I have ever seen, and yet they had no idea I was there.
Put in the extra 4 miles going out to Belco to meet up with Dave, always seem strange when I have to climb a hill that two months ago almost gave me a stroke and now Its,,, well,, its just not really that bad. I mean its still a hill, it still sucks, but at the top of it I was thinking to my self, humph, I'm winded, but my legs aren't killing me.
Got back to Dave's house with out problem.
Beer GOOD!!!!!!
Got up late, got a shower to wake up. Crawled back into bed beside the not a wife. Got to Dave's house at about 7:15am, Did not expect to see him at all today, figured he rolled out at about 10 till seven. There were thunderstorms rolling thought the Central PA region today, so the ride in was SPIRITED. Did not get wet till I hit the bike rack, then it was like taking a shower. All in all a good ride, I made it short, rode up to UPS, down to Cameron Street from there, then as the sun started to set again. (can't say I blame it, there are days when I feel that way) I decided to take the short rt in. Took Cameron street back into Harrisburg, up over the rail-rode tracks to PennDOT (hate that hill) and then into work. Total time was about 20 min.
With the wonderful cool weather, I'm thinking about taking off a little bit early, seeing how light I can make my bags and heading for Dave's work. I'm sure I will not make it the hole way, but I would love to drop another mile or two on to the ride for the night. Might even try the climb up behind Stealton again. That hill SUCKS!!!
Side Note: Nothing from the LBS yet about my fisher, I'm really hoping to get the new frame back soon. I'm hoping to take that bike with me on the Honey Moon.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Whos the Stupid Dummie, ME!!!!!
So some jack a#@ put a blog on my site today about how they thought ridding in from their home to work was a good idea.
To my ultimite shgrin, pain and suffering that jack a#@ was me.
So I relised at about Linglestown road that my house is at the top of the second highest point in Harrisburg. So while the ride in from Harrisburg to Linglestown rd was wonderfull, after that it started to suck.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, then this should be all that I need to say.

Distant: 9.5 Miles - one way
Elevation Change: 527 Feet of
Time: 55 min (first time)

For those of you that can't read fat.
Well, I finally rode from my house to work without driving half way first.
For many reasons I was not able to ride this week, I can list them

Last night I got it in my head that I was going to make the ride, the HOLE ride from my little home, to the big bad office, with out driving to Dave's house first. (missing beer, sad, sniff, sniff)
So at 7am today, (figured about an hour was all I needed to make the trip) I hit the road.
Out of my house there is a beautiful down hill run, WOW Dave's M80 can really fly after getting tune up. (See Map #1)

Oh, yea Dave, I got your bike a tune up. Figured it was the least I could do for you letting me borrow it.
Legs hearting, lungs screaming, going for a rolling recovery. Down the next downhill, again weeeeeeeeeee (See Map #3) crap this might be a little fast on a MT bike. Again, Damm Dave, this thing can fly, and whats wonderful it its stable as hell at high speed. Most MT bikes get squirrely at around 28-32mph. This thing is a truck, nothing effects it.
So up the next little rise, well its a hill, but I have allot of lead in. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, I did not have as much lead in as I thought. There are so parts of this road that can kiss my a#@. (See Map #4)
From here on out, I had it beat, its mostly all down hill from there, out Linglestown road (See Map #5), to 6th street in Harrsiburg (See Map #6), 6th street has this long uphill grade for it, that you really don't notice till your trying to figure out why your legs are tired.
After getting in to Harrisburg, it was gravy, down 3rd street, to Penn Ave, Penn Ave to Maclay, then it was out to river front park to work.(See Map #7) Total time- 55min.
Side Note:
Called the LBS yesterday about my fish, still no word from Trek, sad! :(
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Should you be worried...
Think that RFID is a bad thing???
I can't make this """it up...
Wow, there are so many jokes in that title, I'll let you figure them out. So check this out, I was reading Gizmod today when I came across a article "here" about 37 or so prisoners in a Pakistan jail that where shoving cell phones into there,, well, you can figure it out from the picture. Well it seems that if your going to smuggle a cell phone into a Pakistan jail, it does not pay to have a smart phone, PDA or Blackberry..LOL god that is funny, Blackberry... Seems that with larger form factor phones nature can't take its course and they needed to removed surgically. I shit you not.
Two comments, well four...
Space, yea its really hard to get there...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Supper Geek Weekend...
Ohhhhhhhh, two of my favorite things, computer power and bamboo.

And now you laptop can be partially biodegradable.
Specs out at;
11.1 or 12.1 Inch, 1,280 x 768 display
Choice of 3/6/9 cell batteries, and something called the Super Hybrid allowing you to dial down the power when the wails of the Antarctic penguins become too much to bear.
Processor choices are the Intel T9400/P8600/P8400 Core 2 Duo processors, and 256MB of NVIDIA GeForce 9300 GS, a 320GB hubrid hard drive sporting 256MB of flash, Intel's WiMAX/Wifi Link 5100 chipset, and all of this for the wonderful price point of..... well....... good question, they have not released that yet.
Ahhhhhhchewwwwwwww, and now I'm clean...

I don't know why I did not think of this before, I have always wanted to press a huge nose on the wall and get something to rub all over my body......
Ok well all know that fighter planes are fast right? Well, really,, when you see this video they are REALLY fast.
Click the Link.
Not Photo Shop...

Progress, at least....

802.11n has been stuck in FCC hell for weeks, years actually. So lets just say to hell with N and jump right to R, you know like rrrrrrrr matty, shiver me timbers. So now were moving on to 802.11rrrrrrr,, sorry cant help my self. 802.11r, will allow devices to mnove from access point to access point with less than 50ms in downtime. Sweet.
Mona Lisa in a Second...
Well no one really knows how long it took Leonardo to paint the Mona Lisa, but most believe it took him about 4-5 years, and then he kept the painting for him self for many years after that, before releasing it.
The Mythbusters took all of a millisecond to paint theirs...
I need this...

While I like to try to stay away from screen printed tshirts as best I can, I will fully admit that I have three in my closet, after seeing this, I'm about to have four.
The Coolest solar charger...

No specs yet, no price yet, just a hole lot of awesome.

Wow, the things we can build...
There is a long argument that can be made for why this is one of the scariest things I have EVER seen. I am glad and frightened at the same time that man kind can build something like this, and at the same time there is someone in that machine using it in this way. There is also an argument that they have to do what they are doing, and I would like to take this moment to thank all those that are doing their part to protect me. Military and Civilian alike, politics aside, thank you for all your work.
My only hope is that if we can build such an amazing machine of war, what else can we do?
Please be-warned that this video is from a war zone, its not graphic, but there is violence.
And finally, Why Helmets Don't Suck...