Well ok, so I have been slacking as of lately on two fronts.
1) Keeping the Blog up to date, sorry I'll do better.
2) Riding to work
I have three reasons for this
1) Its freeking cold here.
2) My wife has been taking me to work for the last few weeks and having her to kiss good day to is much better then locking up the bike at the rack every Am.
3) I'm a pansy.
Well all this is going to have to change, She is getting moved to a different office and will no longer be able to take me any more. Sad, on the good side I will ride more often now in the winter and will feel better for it.
I will miss having my wonderful and sexy wife taking me to work though.
A ride worth note.
Dave H. and I went for a ride over the holidays, its was just a little 10 or so miler but it was hard considering the hills we had to scamper up. Well he scampers, I sucked air and prayed not to have a stroke. When I get the chance I will update the Blog with the specs from the ride.
Christmas was nice, Melissa and her mom did me a good one and got me hooked up with some bike stuff.
1) 25 piece bike shop tool kit.
2) Park Bench top bike stand.
3) Planet Bike rear light
4) Sock guy socks
Not really a bike specific item but an item I needed and LOVE never the less.

Creative Zen 16M MP3 player.
This thing is sooooo much better then the old dell DJ I have been using for audio books and songs on my ride to and from work.
Not only is it small, light and can take a SD card for expanded memory, it remembers where I stopped in a book when I shut it down.
Also, I have come apon a new website today:
It belongs to the Museum of Modern Art
So with all that said, lets get into the geeky goodness.

Stealth Bomber vs. Stealth Biker?
Lame, Lame, Lame, Lame, Lame...............Lame
If you ride this, Turn in your man card immediatelyfor poor judgment and pulling any level of cool geekyness from the real thing.
Wiimote Controlled Desk Gun
Cool, probably going to get you fired from most jobs, but cool.

21:9 Anyone?????
Philips introduces its ultra widescreen Cinema 21:9 LCD tv. Drolllllll
No price yet, but I'm sure it will not be cheep.

Use the force, six light sabers in a row hits 20 to 1??? what????
Ok, how to tell that our society is starting to get, well nerdier. Casinos are starting to target geeks in their Vegas hotels.
Well all I can say, is "Use the Force Luke"
Trash from the Enterprise.

Well for all you geeks and nerds out there, Let me introduce a concept from space. Store you garbage in a neat and organized way. Not only will it allow you to keep everything neat and orderly, but you will also make all other geeks in the area droll with envy.
The only thing you have to figure out is what peddel to step on to open the right section.
Does that Faraday suit come in my size.
This is must be one of the most dangerous jobs i have ever heard of.
1UP Helmet Cover.

All I can say is. I WANT ONE.
I tend to not be on the Helmet cover side of the house. I don't think I own or have ever worn a helmet cover, But I would sure as hell wear this one.
Google maps get an overlay for mass transit.

This is a needed offering from Google. Now for all us non-city dwellers can figure out how to get around a city.
Nice add, lets just hope it stays free.
Lazy Susan coffee table.

Man this will drive my cat crazy.
Very nice design points as well, only if the stand its self was a little bit more thought out.
Pet of the Day.

Sometimes kittens really make stupid decisions.
Why Helmets don't suck.

We have seen this man in the past, but damm its such a good image. I wonder if the umbrella helped to keep him dry?
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