Ok, it was fun, but wow did the wind on river front suck today. I was peddling for all I was worth and could get up to a whopping 8mph.
Squirrel racing...

Squirrel can run at about 13.5 mph for some time. On the ride home Friday after work I was racing a Squirrel. Now I'm not really sure why the little guy ran by 5 trees before going up one. My only guess is that the one he/she went up was home. But for the 50 or so yards of river front park that we were side by side on he was going at about 13.5mph. I'm not so sure I would call it run or I would call it flying, they don't touch the ground very much when the run.
Pet of the Day...

I would have loved to seen how this played out.
Why Helmets don't Suck...

Remember boys and girls, always, always verify the depth of a water crossing PRIOR to making your entry.
Sgt. Pezzers Epic Fail...

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!! I'm not sure how the hell they pulled this off, but I'm sure it was really, really hard to do.
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