This is the equation I came up with today, I feel its about as accurate as 2+2=5 for extremely large values of 2.
I rolled out of bed today a bit late, well lets put that into perspective. My alarm goes off at 6:30am, I tend to get a few min of extreme anger at it before I have to move my very warm and lovie cat and go off to do thous things that have to be done first thing in the morning.
Typically I'm at my new parking spot at about 7:15 for a 35 - 45 min ride with an average of 11 to 12 mph over 7.8 miles
Today I got to my parking spot at 8:06, oh yea taking late to a hole new definition. Now luckily enough I work in an office where my being late does not really matter, but still, I DON'T LIKE IT.
So off I go with wild abandement and legs of fire... or should I say legs on fire. When I say I pushed it, I had the hammer down the hole way.
7.8 miles, in 28 minnuets.

Doing the math, and checking the cycle computer: 16.7 MPH average.
Wow the ride home tonight is going to S U C K!
Oh yea did I mention the weather.
I'm in Harrisburg, the little speck in the middle of the map.
I wish I could commute, but I don't envy you today.
Thats some good speed in the rain dude, no incentive like being late.
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