So its been a while, a long while, a real long while, but there has been a reason.
Allow me to enplane, no that will take to long, allow me to sum up:
1) New job
2) Promotion at new job
3) I'm now "In charge" of people
4) New job happens at three offices
5) I need to drive back and forth from each
6) No riding for the time being
7) The seventh reason....
So while the seventh reason is being address, I will not be ridding until spring, maybe. I need to figure out a route that allows for simple park and ride as well as extending my route after I get back in the saddle. SOOOOOO Hopefully this fall/winter there will be more riding to work boy, but for a little while at least I am bound to the car.
So back to the posts.
New Tech...
Three new tech items have come into my life, They are:
Verizon BlackBerry Tour 9600...

Or as I like to refer to her, "My Precious"
Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways:
1) All four email accounts in one place
2) SMS and MMS via the same interface
4) One calendar to rule them all
5) Password Keeper!
6) Mobile Facebook
7) Its not touch screen
Very much love this device, keeps me happy in touch with those I need to stay in touch with, while at the same time keeping me organized.
The Microsoft Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000...

So wrap your head around this, its a full sized keyboard with separate 10 key num pad that connects to your laptop via bluetooth. It thinner then my blackberry, about the thickness of a pencil and its slightly ergonomic.
1) Love typing on it, large keys, nice home row indicator, good key replay, satisfying key click
2) Ergo is a nice touch
3) Supper thin, its only a bit thicker the the AAA's that run it (two each)
4) Easy to link
5) Nice power, sync and battery lock switches
6) Good over all feel
7) Fits into my laptop bag with ease
8) Num pad works independently from keyboard, so you can take your 10 pad with you when traveling if you are so inclined, and I am always so inclined.
1) Hard on batteries if you forget to turn the keyboard off at the end of the day, the num pad gets around this with a auto sleep function that after a certain time of non-use will put it to sleep. It wakes up very nicely in about 5 seconds after typing a number.
2) Good thing that its easy to sync up, until bluetooth get a bit more bullet prof, you will be doing it about once day for the keyboard.
With all of that said, I like it a lot, work well, nice to use and easy on the wrist, truly portable.
Microsoft Arc Mouse...

Ok, i have made it clear in the past that I have no love for the big blue MS, or really any software they have developed short of a few very, very select game titles. But, I cant beat their peripherals with a stick, well I'm sure you could but then they would not work would they? Now I'm sure that one of the reasons I like them so much is that the non-OS developers make sure their stuff at least works with the swill the OS developers put out. This brings us to the ARC mouse.

1) Sexy design
2) Receiver is attached to the bottom of the mouse by a rare earth magnet when not in use
3) Closing the "Flipper" turns off the mouse
4) battery life 1 year +
1) Its just a touch small
2) Side button is to far forward
3) Receiver sticks out just a BIT to far. Logitech still has the winner when it comes to this.
Again, I would buy it again, I have gotten used to it and it sit beside my track ball all the time for wrist relief and any time I need accurate point and click that the trackball cant provide.
Oregon Scientific's Solar Weather Station...

While growing up, if I wanted to know what the weather was, I stuck my arm out the window, now there are lots of things that can do it for you, but until now they all sucked up power. Well not any more, for about one hundred bucks you can have a weather, humidity, inside, outside temp, clock, and more display that runs all on solar power.
Read More>>>Click Here<<<
Pet of the day...
I'm somewhat sure I know what happened here, and since this is turning into a day of lists:

1) Own the following
Pool, Cat, Beer
2) Combine
While I am not 100% sure, but I would be willing to bet a donuts, and I love, LOVE donuts, that this cat is going to FU%$ someone up, when its gets out of the pool.
Why Helmets done suck...

"Ring Announcer" - "And in this corner weighing in a 155lbs, BMX boy, and not entering the ring, our raining champing of gravity, the big blue her self, weighing in at over 6 septiliion kilograms, the EARTH!!!!!!!!."
"Intergalactic Crowd" - Goes wild!!!!!
"Intergalactic Fight Announcer Neal" (aka -The iFAN) - "Well Bob this is going to be one hell of a match up today."
"Intergalactic Color Man Bob" - "Yea Neal, BMX boy has a real fighting chance of being the one to finally take down the Earth, I mean with a mass to speed ration just under that of a flea's butt hair compaired to the Earth, this should feel just like a fly hitting a dodge dart on the free way. All that will be left to take care of in the end is the mess."
"Intergalactic Fight Announcer Neal" - "Ok Bob, well here we go, BMX boy is ready, and hes off, down the ramp he is going, Wow Bob, It looks like he is really trying hard today. He building up quite the head of steam coming down that hill for his first jump. On this first one he will be attempting to comlete four rotations in the air, before Earth can do something about it. What do you think is going through his head right now Bob."
"Intergalactic Color Man Bob" - "Well Neal, I don't know whats going through his head right now, but I know what will be going throw his head in a few moments."
"Intergalactic Fight Announcer Neal" - "There he goes Bob, hes off the ramp, 1, 2, 3 rotations, going for number 4.... He... Could... Go... All... The...."
"Intergalactic Color Man Bob" - "NOPE! Earths got him, she has latched on to him tighter then a hungry new born to Dolly Parton, and the best part, she is grabbing him by his face by one of her biggest and baddest laws.. Gravity!"
"Intergalactic Crowd" - Goes, ohhhhhhhhhhh
In the fight ring there is a tumultuous CRASH..........

"Intergalactic Fight Announcer Neal" - "Oh man, Bob, I wonder if BMX boy is going to be OK, that was a nasty fall, Earth grabbed him right out the air, pulled him down at 9.8 meters per second squared and landed him right on his FACE!"
"Intergalactic Color Man Bob" - "Well Neal, i guess that's why there are so many power wheal chair manufactures out there, Hehe, I would not worrier to much about BMX boy, and hey look on the bright side, at least he did not get a dent in that nice helmet that he thought would make him look like a dork, wonder how hes going to feel in the Hover Round Chair"
Sgt. Pezzers Epic FAIL!!!

I don't know how or even why, but I am willing to bet that somewhere on that truck there is written the max weight it can carry. This guy did not read that sign, I like that he is sitting there on a brick, nice touch.
Good luck on the job thing, I KNOW YOUR PAIN :). I went from a job where I rarely (like, once a month at most) had to travel and when I did I took a company vehicle to one where I'm literally going somewhere every day. For the first six months I drove because I didn't want to leave my truck there for fear of stuff getting stolen, and because I'm weird.
Then I figured out something. I got a cheap, cheap, cheap vehicle in good mechanical shape that nobody would ever want to steal (90's Ford Taurus), and left it at work. Literally, for about a year and a half the Taurus has been parked at work where I take it when I need to go somewhere for work, or for personal. Very rarely is it at home, I even leave it here on the weekends.
I get reimbursed for mileage, including in-town, and I only carry liability on the thing because - well - it's a '90s Taurus. My mileage checks on average completely cover the cost of gas (it doesn't get the best mileage, but a tank of gas usually lasts a month) and insurance for it, so it costs me nothing on a month-to-month. So it's pretty much a win-win on a month to month basis/
That being said, were I to do it over again, I'd choose a different vehicle. See, mid-90's Taurii aren't known for their reliability and this one is due for some stuff that's probably going to make me just sell it instead of putting money into it, and also selling the pickup I keep around for completely irrational reasons. I'll replace both with a Subaru Outback wagon, which seems to be the perfect vehicle for a cyclist (seriously). I'm working out a deal with work where I can use one of our spare company cars for my regular "scheduled" trips, and keep "my" car at home, then drive when needed or a schedule conflict arises.
Whew.. long winded, but you get the idea. :)
The hole company car thing is a helper, we have one but we also have an outside sales rep that usese it all the freaking time so it cant get trusted to be there.
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