Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stupid Human Trick...

ahh what a amazing moron I found this morning. While coming across market street with the light green, a coffee drinking, cell phone using AM chuckle head decide that since I was on a bike, I must be less of a human and he had the right away.

In an effort to miss hitting him, (I want to see him claim that to his insurance company)

Chuckle head: "Hi, I need to get my car fixed after an accident"
Insurance Company Rep: "Ok sir can you tell me what happened"
Chuckle head: "A cyclist hit me"
Insurance Company Rep: "I'm sorry to hear that, is everyone ok?"
Chuckle head: "Yea he was not going to fast"
Insurance Company Rep: "Where did they hit your car?"
Chuckle head: "On the drivers side, dented both doors, and the windows"
Insurance Company Rep: "WOW, well I'm glad that everyone is ok, did you get his insurance information"
Chuckle head: "ahh, no, he did not have any pockets"
Insurance Company Rep: "Oh no, so he was driving with out his license as well?"
Chuckle head: "No you miss-understood me, he was ridding a bike, you know like peddle bike"
Insurance Company Rep: "ahh, so a cyclist hit you?
Chuckle head: "Yep"
Insurance Company Rep: "Where was the cyclists?"
Chuckle head: "In a cross walk"
Insurance Company Rep: "Ahh"
Chuckle head: "What?"
Insurance Company Rep: "Sir, your a fool, we will be closing our policy's with you and sending you the final payments you are required by law to pay us. You have been in an accident with a non-motorist in a cross-walk while they had the right of way. Not only are you completely at fault, but also it will go on your driving record as a accident with a pedestrian"

So back to my thought.

When trying to miss said chuckle head, I had to jump a curb. I'm not really sure why Harrisburg has insisted on putting in gran it curbs. Well I'm able to pull my front wheal up over the curb with out issue, the back wheal slammed into the curb, followed by hissing.

Crap, crap, damm, damm, damm. I don't have a spare tube, but I do have a patch kit. Well for a lack of time I just pushed the bike to the office and took the back wheal up to the office.

Patches are installed, was kind of cool, it was a text book half pinch flat. Holes punched on the top and bottom of the tub only on one side. I got the patches on, blew some air into it and let it sit till after lunch. Now its fully inflated and ready to rock and roll.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can kiss the fatest part of my as#

My car is jellious,

W - 10

Wedding in 10 days,
Honeymoon :) in 11 days,
Blazer taking a crap with most parts, expensive

So lets sum up what has broken in the last week.

1) Inspection and Emissions
2) Both front wheal bearings
3) Breaks, all of them
4) Break calipers, both rear

And last night it did something that I have never heard of before, taking Mels ring over to the jewelry store for replating, it just turned off, no lights, no engine, no nothing, just OFF!!!!

I pulled over, stopped and it restarted fine. All I can say is WTF!!!

Bike is fine, its visiting the garage today as they repair the breaks on the truck.