Anyone a fan of Blizzard Entertainment Games?
If you are, and have been checking out the Blizzard splash screen you know that they have been teasing us, all. It is believed that they will be announcing a new game this week, so each day the splash screen changes a little bit to kind of give you a hint of what may be to come...
Yesterdays Splash Screen.

Now I could be wrong, but those are two eyes showing through the center. I know there eyes cause I looked at todays splash screen before making this blog post.
Todays Splash Screen.
Two more days and will find out, they

See, told you, eyes. Now for all the speculation that is going on the web at the moment as to whom these eyes belong, your guess is as good as mine, but if I could make a suggestion, or a plea. Diablo III, Lost Vikings, or for a really happy Shami, StarCraft 2. But if I was a betting man, I would have to go with Diablo III.
New Spock Ears!!!

To this UBER fan I say "Knit Long and Prosper"
Ratchet and Clank...

My household is a HUGE Ratchet and Clank fan, meaning my fiance is a big fan, she loves the games, spending hours on the sofa digging into to them. So when I heard today that Sony Entertainment Corp. was going to be releasing a new game in the series I knew it would be on our GameFly list before the release date. Well now I find that it might be released only on PS3, oh darn, looks like we are going to have to buy a new console...
Data Dock...
Are you a data storage monkey? do you have more USB devices they you know what to do with,

Well Unitek has come up with a item that may solve your issues. Running about $60 US, this compact doc will hold all of your data needs.
4 Slot muti-format memory card reader
2 port USB hub
Red Back up button that when pressed backs up you data to the on board hard drive.
Os and MAC compatible, "Back up supports Windows only"
2.5 or 3.5 SATA docking port, with access via a USB connection

Ever go to post something and just know, down deep in your geeky little heart that your probably going to be a A#$ hole for this? Today is that day for me. I'm sure this came about for all the right reasons, but WHAT THE HELL??? Has this really become a problem? I'm sure that I have about the beefiest laptop for any commuter, I can prove it, I ride my bike to work and it kicks my butt lugging this beast up the hill. But that was the choice I made when I bought the thing, I wanted the power, I wanted to full keyboard with num pad, i wanted the 4GB of ram with dull 2.8s and a 256M vid, GRUNT, GRUNT,GRUNT...oh sorry. But if you are a able bodies geek and find your self looking at this and saying 'Hey, thats not a bad idea" I have three words for you "GO OUT SIDE"
Every OS Sucks...

Don't get me wrong, I like Windows, and Mac, Mint is fun, Pocket PC is abysmal. But I could never understand why in todays market place, with cross-compatibility being at its hight of function that OS standards are all or nothing. Wouldn't it make more sense to let users use the OS that best suits their needs?
Laugh at work...
Can you laugh at your self at work, I really hope these men can.
And finally...

How you know when you bought the wrong Cell phone
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