Monday, June 23, 2008

Reasons to love Mondays...

Mountain bike - $600.00 dollars
Bags, packs, tires, annual repairs - $300.00 dollars

Passing a cop on Forester st due to an accident - PRICELESS
Getting to the Monday morning meeting before everyone else but your boss - PRICELESS
Being one of three people at the meeting out of the usual 15 people - PRICELESS
Not thinking about how much gas my car is burring sitting in traffic - About 4.05 a gallon

Cars can get you there faster...sometimes, of all the other times theres peddle power.

My best times in so far

Dis: 4.04
Roll Time: 22.30
Max Speed: 21.6
Avg: 11.7

I found a really nice resource this weekend, want to know how to fix something on your bike, just check out this website and they most likely have a video on how to do it.

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