If you are not aware, any cyclist over 180lbs is referred to as a Clydesdale. While that description is very accurate I would say for those running the scales from 180 to 240. But what about those of us that tip the higher end of the scales, were strong, large, tend to drink to much, eat to often, make to much noise and tend to from time to time do something stupid on a bike. Clydesdale is just not accurate, for this I propose that we take the monicur of ELK.
For I am ELK, hear me roll.
Us women folk over 160 are Athenas.... that'd be me. Not quite of the elk quality
And I like that term, Athenas, it has a nice ring to it, sounds sexy.
Clydesdale, sexy... not so much
Elk, Maybe I should rethink this on the sexy criteria
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