MOOOOOve left Betsy, LEFT!...

Having problems getting your cows to go where you want them to? The get a little help from the Ear-A-Round. This little device hooks over the cows head, and then plays sounds into either the left or right side depending on the direction you want them to go. I wounder what it plays when they are to just stand still, or go forward. although it would be really funny to see a hole field of bovines rocking out to YMCA, we want to milk at the YMCA, they got everything a cow can enjoy, you can get milked by all of the boys. (funny, song seems to have the same meaning that way)
WOW,,, no I mean really, WOW!

Right before he got fired, someone decided to work "overtime" at a undisclosed government facility and load Wold of War craft up on the OHG 40 feet by 15 feet 67" HD monitors. I did the math, and the resolution would be 12600x3150. Honey can I have one? Please??
Golden Mac...

No not the computer but the price. Always struck me as odd that Macs cost SO FREEKING much more then a PC. Im sure the MAC dweebs will post and PM their hearts on, not on this site I'm sure but they will as to why a Mac costs more, and works better, and VISTA. Ok, we know Vista sucks, but then again I can WORK on my PC with out having to figure out what the hell an extension set is and why it will not boot (if thats what they call it) up with out one.
Read the Full Article Here
iKnock, iKnock, who's there? iknock...

For the record, I'm about to my limit of tech that has the letter i in front of it. I know, its hip, its cool, its HOT, its over done, beaten up and even apple should stop. Also for the record, most if not all novitiates USB devices are useless. This might be an exception, the only think I can see that is missing a photo clip for the picture of your all time favorite boss (Glen, Sally) and then text the crap out of your self till its not funny any more.
I always new it was alive...

So like most little kids, I believed that all things in my parents house were alive. They would just look at me when I was not looking. To this day, I KNOW my truck has a personality, just like I KNOW its a woman. (expensive) but when the staff at broken shami found this guy talking to the toaster we had some problems. And all this time I trusted the toaster.
Power Saw Drag Racing...

Hell on Barbie wheals. Seems theres a sport (?????) where you mod a power tool, strap on some hardware and run it down the street to see who's will be the fastest. although I would like to watch this, can I have a seat in the back, WAY BACK
Its a lamp, its a fan, its a FART killer...

Well its happened, air purifying hardware has come of age. Most of my problem with it has been the fact that it all looked like it came out of the sky mall catalog. My not-a-wife-yet will want one of these for in the bed room, I just know it

Seems that bat man is real, at least in this guys mind. Bob Dullam has built a drivable version of the Tumbler, cost him between $50,000 and $70,000 and will net him 3 times that much if it every hits the eBay block. And before you ask, he is planning on building him self a bat pod as well. Having the Tumbler sitting in his back yard does not shock me that much, they did actually build the car for the movie, if you watch the special features on the extended DVD they show the build up and driving, plus interviews with the design team that it was a little to much fun to drive.
Biodegradable Flash Drive...

Cause I was always worried about all those flash drives I throw out filling up a land fill? Its the worlds first, and most likely the only. It been constructed with Corn-based plastics polylactide.
Gizmodo Retro Tech...

WTH? A few things about this,
1) Was this really a problem, its called a bracelet people
2) That nurse scares the HELL OUT OF ME
3) The 'Mommy" is SCARY
4) Mommy might be a little gay?
if you read the article, its says that they also tan the mother with the initials... you know just in case she forgets who she is.
Eye Camera...

Ok so eye shaped camera is not really that amazing, but the mesh-like material that carries the photodetectors and electronic components are REALLY freeking cool.
Read More Here
Two new cameras...

The Nikon Coolpix P6000 pictured front
- $500
-4x optical
-2.7 rouchscreen monitor
-built in GPS for geotagging pics
-Full manual mode - RAW
Read More Nikon p6000
Coolpix s50 pictured back;
-3.5 inch 16:9 touch screen that controls just about everything
-5x optical and a HDMI output
Read More on the Coolpixs50
Night Coaster???

Kind of cool, keep this small device next to your desk side with any of the items you need, but done want to wake your partner getting. You know important stuff like, Eyeglasses, cigarettes, keys to the handcuffs. The cool bit of tech is that the sensors only lights up when you reach for something, that way its not on all night.
My green car is to quite...

So its seems that the owners of Lightning GT are po'ed. Their car does not make good car sounds. So lotus is proposing a 300w speaker to make you feel better about the sound of your car. So much for cutting down on noise poloutition. On a cool side note, I am sure there will be a way to intface this system so you can talk to your fellow drivers.
Thous Crazy Dutch...

The small Dutch town of Hengelo is about to test out a new kind of concrete paving slab that actually grabs onto the car-exhaust pollutant sucking it out of the air and rendering it harmless. The special bricks contain a component based on titanium dioxide that acts to "fix" the pollutant with the aid of sunlight. The best bit is that the resulting nitrates just wash away with the next rain. Clever stuff: and if the trial results next summer show improved air quality, I'm sure we'll see environmentalists dancing along singing.
Why Helmets don't Suck...

Cute Pet of the Day...
OK, we have it established that I hate pet costumes right? But this is cute

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