So on to the geeky goodness
Digicam zapps blemishs...

So this little number is another in the now long line of small handhelds that are sporting over 10.1 Mega Pixels under their sexy little lenses covers.
Its War baby, and its being held at the compact digicam level.
This little guy, comes complete ($429) with the company's in-camera touch up mode called Make-UP.
I know you all exicted, just cant wait for this one to come out... Well at least you can get ride of your 16 year old kids pimples with the built in clone tool. (or just get ride of the kid to)
Go ahead punk, press the red button...
Play the video, this the best Cell phone unboxing EVER!!!
USB Heated Shawl...

USB blankets, yea, yea, yea. We have all seen then, all thought about them, then all asked our selves the question of how the HELL would I sleep on the computer. But this is a really cool (get it?) idea. I can have the AC on at work, and keep my female co-workers warm. Cause you know if you keep your female coworkers warm any other way, you had just better keep, keeping them warm cause you ass will be looking for a new place to sleep.
Oh yea, btw only $28.95 at - Click Here -
I'm not kidding, this woman is not real, she is a computer program.
I made the...

So its not news to hear, get or find a picture of someone on your new camra phone. But this was the first time that we have heard of where the picture was on purpose and,, AND not a fuzzy image of the fat guy on the shipping dock.
Ahhhhh... Finally...

"Insert SoapBox"
Most Street lamps are STUPID, and waist of MY, YOUR, OUR MONEY. So let me ask, why does the intersection down the street from me need to be light up like Solider field at 2am, there is no one driving at that time, and if they are they have HEAD LIGHTS on their car....
Do me, us, you a favor, TURN THE DAMM THINGS OUT!!!
I cant tell you how often it was drilled into me as a kid to turn the light out when you leave the room. When I was a child this seemed like the bigest pain the back side, I mean god, I have to lift my arm and everything. Now that I get the power bill... I'm sure I can turn the lights out in the room I'm in and still type.
"Remove SoapBox"
So this is so cool, so green and just sexy. LED street lamps in NYC. Current street lamps can run for about 24,000 hours, these for 50 to 70,000, while using 25 to 30% less energy. Put that in with the reduction of harmful chemicals when discarded and this is about the greenest thing the big apple has done in a while.
Honey, can you turn up the? What the hell is that...

Its the Kayak? the kayak, where in the hell did they come up with the name Kayak for this? Ok, so what is it you ask, well good question. Its seems that somewhere, apparently for the person that has a really cool fireplace but a tacky as hell lamp buy their window there is just a need for a speaker that just does not look like a speaker. So for $2,900.00 (no that decimal point is not in the wrong point) you can have a speaker that looks like a spare part from the flux capacitor. It will crank out sound at 60W, running a sensitivity of about 86dB.
Lego my desk...

Ok, so surrounding its thin steel legs are movable blocks. So cool, but I guess that it would have a short "cool half life". No idea of what the price is, but I'm guessing not cheap.
Near and Dear...
So this is near to my, and many family's hearts.
One of the biggest and most challangling parts a cancer suffer has to face is the surgery. So let me spell this out in case your not aware.

1) Find out you have cancer
2) They tell you your options
3) They operate to remove as much as they can FIND?
4) They miss some, and have to do it again, and again, and again, and again....
With this new tech, they will be able to radiate the diseased tissue with dies that target specific structures, such as cancer cells when injected into patients. Then in the surgery the doc's can light you up with NIR (near-infrared) and see exactly what needs to go. Lets hope they can put this to good use in the very, very near future.
All those drinking straws, and no woman that wanted to date him...
Let me spell this one out for you. Its a basic recipe.

1 - Geek
5 - 2 letter bottles of MT Dew
1 - Table lamp with busted shade, yea its broken but you still use it for you bed side lamp (all you geeks know the one I'm talking about)
2 - Costco boxes of colored drinking straws.
6 - bottles of modeling glue
1- weekend with out a date (should not be hard to come by at this point)
Geek - Look mom, I made a lamp.
Mom - Wow, thats amazing son.
Mom Thinking to her self - "Why could'nt he just get a girl pregnant instead? "
Geek - Yea, and some guy on eBay is going to pay me $400.00 Each, with a starting order of 300. Were opening a factory next week
Mom Thinking - "Finally, he can move out, and get laid"
Geeks Dad - Did you say he was moving out?
Mom - No, but I thought about it, how did you hear that
Geeks Dad - When it comes to getting that boy out of the house, I hear thous words faster then I know if someone moved the thermostat.
It is a cool lamp though.
Just in case...

If you ever find your self in a nice hotel, or Europe.
I'm not sure why, but bidets have never cought on here in the US. I mean really, whats wroung with a nice butt washing from time to time. And you can control the temp of the water, nice and cooling after to many hot wings. (your only laughing cause you know what I'm talking about)
Ahh, the Bidet or as my uncle calls it the "ass sink"
Sweet idea...
Admit it, when you go to one of those cheep, or now "trendy" restaurants where they use paper for the place mats you color on with the kids crayons just like me. Well now you can use your coffee mug and be "trendy" to. I'll bet you a donut that this shows up in, well I don't know, Coffee shops?
Wireless power...

You heard of it? yea me to.
You seen it? yea me to.
You think it will every work in our lifetimes? yea me to...
Intel sent 60watts, three feet using magnetic induction. Had a 75% efficiency. Call me when you can charge my laptop from across the room with out roasting my "acorns" and ill sit up and pay attention.
Cool Mom and Dad...

So check this out, this is the kind of stuff that makes your kid cool for life.
Kid - "Hey, can I have a tree house?"
Mom - "Son, we live in the city, their arent any trees."
Kid - "That sucks."
Mom - "Yep"
Dad - "We can fix that"
Mom and Dad then went about turning this lucky kids bed room into a tree house. Hell I'm an adult (sometimes) and I want one. Talk about building an environment to allow your child's imagination to grow.
Why Helmets don't suck...

Two things.
Points to this guy for getting his hands out in front of him, that is ALOT more then most do.
They guy still on the bike, looks like Dave H's skinny imaginary brother.
Pet picture of the Day...
two of our three cats.
Ozwald/OZ/Ozzy (kitten, tabby) napping next to Beatrix (adult tuxedo)
So Cute
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