Not only am I marrying a wonderful, caring, helpful, beautiful, and funny woman, but she also thinks about her mans happiness when it comes to geeky goodness. But this geeky goodness goes between my legs... wait let me enplane,, no that will take to long let me sum up.
During a recent trip to the LBS (read more bellow) I had the fortune, or miss-fortune of taking a Surly Long Hall Trucker (LHT) for a test ride. WOW, wow, WoW, Wow, woW (did I miss any?)
So after much ho-humming, thinking and the soon to be wife saying "I'll let you decide, but make sure we can afford it" I placed the order for it at the LBS, its going to be on layaway for a while, but I will make the switch over to it sometime this fall. So excited.

Full Specs can be found here

The Frame for my bike will be the olive green

Frame Specs.

So, I can only assume you plan on upgrading your trucks suspension to haul that, right? ;)
Sorry, couldn't resist the weight crack, nice smooth ride though, way less harsh than aluminum.
Dude, have you picked up my MT bike lately?
If I want to cut weight from my bike, I leave my laptop at home.
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