OK that last part is a bit bull, I had WAY!!! to much stuff in the bags, but other wise all was well in the world.
A note on the post from last week...

Last week we talked about making your own egg muffin sandwiches at home. In that post I put a link to www.foodtv.com, to a Alton Brown recipe for making your own English muffins. Well this weekend I made my own english muffins by that recipe. They are a pain in the but to make, but this mornings breakfast, WOW. I was like having a egg sandwich on really good and soft sour dought. I would highly recommend.
In door air quality...
Happy Birthday...

Now before you all run off and look at your facebook accounts to see whos birthday you missed, I'll give you a hint. 10,000 leagus under the sea, Voyage to the center of the earth.
Answer: Jules Verne
Aka: One of the reasons I started reading book for fun as a kid.
Except from the Make:Blog
Today is Jules Verne's birthday. Verne was born in Nantes, France on February 8, 1828 and died on March 24, 1905. Along with H.G. Wells, his work gave birth to the science fiction genre. One of the things Verne pioneered, and much of the sci-fi to follow has emulated, was writing about the fantastic upon a foundation of real science and engineering. I remember, when reading his works as a kid, marveling at how possible he made these adventures sound, to the moon, through the oceans, and to the center of the earth. Sure, a lot of it was pure fantasy and scientifically unsound (e.g. firing men to the moon in the barrel of a giant gun) but there was always enough reality behind it, and enough imaginative speculation, to fire ones imagination. And like a lot of sci-fi after him, Verne inspired generations of engineers, scientists, and garage makers to try and turn his fantasies into reality. And, of course, there's the whole genre of steampunk, which likely wouldn't exist without Jules Verne. So Happy Birthday, Jules, from the entire maker community.
Why Helmets don't Suck!...

Bet his mom once told him to not do anything "Stupid"
Cut pet of the day...

Are they??? NO it can't be, wait, damm it is. What an idiot!
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