This sounds like such a simple statement. Lets discuss the facts.
1) A Goose, or better yet all the Geese in your state.
2) Food for Goose or Geese.
3) Bike path in Harrisburg where said Goose/Geese like to poop.
4) Bike Commuter - This part will be played by yours truly.
5) A bike. (It really is quite difficult to commute by bike with out said bike)
Allow me to paint you a picture, something in a nice neon goose poop green.

I don't feel well today, sore throat, sinus pressure all over feeling like it would be a good day for
a triple shot of "Nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, don't operate heavy machinery, take your ass back to bed and try again medicine" But, alas I could not take the day off, things to do, meeting to attend. I could also not drive to work, no money in the family budget for parking. You know what that means, dressed up like the Michelin man goes the artist out the door I went.
OK its cold here, really cold, so for the first part of the ride I am full face cover and fogging up the glasses.

On a side note: I am thinking about getting a pair of Over the Glasses Motorcycle goggles to help stem the tide of snow and rain getting into my eyes while ridding. This is the pair I am kicking around getting.
Back to the Goose poop.
So it seems that the local Goose union, Fin and Feather 408 had a meeting last evening in the middle of the bike trail as to what color of poop they are going with for the spring. Now I don't know how much poop it will take for them to figure this seemingly critical question out, but I know how much they are going to use.
The bike path looked like a poster at a Jimmy Hendrix concert. While trying to navigate this lime green mine field, my front tire caught a goose nugget and began to slide, and I spoke out loud what seemed like a very appropriate phrase at the time, "CRAP". At that very instant a part of the extremely slippery feather nugget launched from the left side of my tire and caught me square in the front teeth at about the letter A in crAp.
Well that was an interesting flavor. I am now drinking lots of coffee and for the first time in a long time a power gel tasted really good.
Moral of the story.
1)Don't leave home with out your water bottle!
2)Always, and I can't stress this enough, ALWAYS keep your month closed when in a goose poop mine field.
Tech news...

Fortune Top 100 to work for...
#86 Microsoft.
Ahhh, well yea, maybe they should rethink this one. So here is Microsoft did in the their infinite wisdom. As many of you know they laid off 1,00 people. Was nice about the hole thing and gave them a severance package on the way out.
Then, and get this one. They sent out a letter asking each of the Severed employees for part of IT BACK!!!!!
Now I can't read through the black outs, but that figure looks to be fairly large. I wounder if they used Vista to calculate the severance amounts?

Give a man a camcorder and...
You will get crappy moves for a year, give that camcorder to a Otter and you'll get a nice big fine.
This is so funny in so many different ways I don't know where to start.
Whats next, Beavers placing orders at Lowe's. I'm really in trouble when the cat learns how to use the computer. Cat Porn??? (So wrong)

Pet of the Day...
If my cat ever figures this out cows everywhere are in serious trouble.
Why helmets don't suck...

Let this be a lesson, Road bikes should not be used to cross streams, creaks, rivers or any other body of water larger then a puddle.
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