I would like to recap my morning, it has been while since this has been done, and somethings have changed since then.
5:45am - Beatrix (cat) believes that this is the time she should be feed, and will stand on my chest pawing me and purring.
5:47am - With my morning massage over, I

5:48am - Back to sleep, for that blissful last 45 min.
6:35am - BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, crash, cry, meowwwwww.,...... WTF
6:36am - After hearing something crashing down the steps, I'm up out of bed, home protection system in hand and into the hall way to find.
Maggie, and Beatrix sitting at the top to the steps, Beatrix has doubled in size due to fur fluffing out, and Ozzy at the button of the steps trapped once of Melissa's hand bags that used to be at the top of the steps. As I come around the corner both Maggie and Beatrix give me a quizzical look of "Not us" and promptly leave the scene of the crime. While I'm still tired, holding a firearm and, well only waring a pair of boxers I opted to have this conversation latter. After extracting Ozzy from the bag, and getting to enjoy scared kitten with claws trying to climb over my shoulder I decided that now might be a good time to go back up stairs.
6:38am - I turn the alarm clock off, and head to the bathroom
6:42am - Done with the morning necessities, I slide on a pair of bike shorts and a my cold weather base layers and head to the kitchen.
6:43am - Slice a muffin, cut ham, and cheese, toast muffing, heat ham and cheese, wrap everything up in a paper towel and place in a plastic bag. Grab lunch from the fridge,,,, OHHHH Salmon cakes. Place everything in the bag and head up to get finished changing.
6:50am - While trying to figure out why I don't make coffee in the morning any more, I slip on a paid of flease lined wind Resistance tights, and then a pair of nylon short. Finish out my top base layers with two more shirts, and zip up flease and a wind breaker. Its freaking cold out today so

6:55am - Back down stairs, put on gloves, and balaclava, go up and kiss Melissa good by for the day, and out the door I go. Looking like the Stay Puff uni-bomber.
6:56am - In the truck, WOW cold seat. and Drive to Dave's house.
7:10am - Load up the bike, hop one and off to work.
7:25am - I can't feel my feet. Did the sign at the bank says it was 10!!!!! WTH am I doing on a bike when its 10 out side.
In other news...
AV310 Wide screen...

For $249.00 you too can look like a member of sci-fi. Personal on-the-go video, its supposed to give you a virtual 52 foot screen as if you are 9-feet away. I'm really not sure why I'm so repulsed and intreagued at the same time. It might have something to do with the Male models sence of smugness, or the fact that I have NEVER seen WHITE airline seats. All of a sudden I'm getting creeped out, Did all the airlines seats start out as white at one point??? ewwwwwww

Its a bear sleeping bag.
Anyone else want to take this one for me. I just can't bring my self to do it. No, ok then here goes.
Its a bear sleeping bag, I don't know about the rest of you, but I never, NEVER want to see a bears soft pallet from the inside. Its on my list of things to never do,
1) Jump out of a perficaly good air plane.
2) Jump out of a air plane that has at least a 75% change of getting

3) Get eaten by bear. <---
3a) Bungee Jump.
4) Fall on a cactus naked.
5) Get a Snake bite while pooping in the woods.
Can you even imagine what might happen if your camp site was crashed by a real bear and you were wearing this???
Why hello Mr Bond...

$300.00 dollars, 2.5 hours of video. and you to can record video with the Third eye Video camera.
Only question, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?
Keep that phone away from you...

Battery truth. Heat and cold are bad. Battery University reports that if you want to keep you cell phone battery charged longer you should keep it cool. And from what they are telling us, 98.8 degrees is not COOL. So no more storing your cell phone in your underwear. And for goodness sakes take it off vibrate.
Daddy Like...

The worlds smallest spot welder. Came from the Italian Site Modellismo Hobby Media (Via MAKE) Its the WELMA 2000, its uses 2500 A to spot weld steal wire. It will sell for about $157 in the US, not sure when but it will be added to my shop.
Straight from Gismodo...

Bored of Windows XP and antsy for Windows 7? With a couple of quick downloads you can get the look and feel of Microsoft's next OS, no clean install necessary.
Niwradsoft Seven Remix XP is a free download that transforms the entire look of your OS to be all-around 7-like. You get boot screens, logon screens, screensaver, system theme, and loads of hacked resource files.
I know they look like links but there not.
And with out any further,, well you know...
Why Helmets don't suck...
That probably felt exactly how you think it does.
Pet of the day..
I think we have all had this day. I'm thinking about having one of thouse days today. But I must say, I like the cats choice of vodkas.
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