Heard from Jason L. today, just a quick email with some truly funny quoats.
1. Weightlifting Commentator.
"This Georgiana from Bulgaria I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing".
2 Dressage Commentator
" This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience, since I once mounted her mother.
3 Paul Hamm, Gymnast
"I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father"
4 Boxing Analyst
"sure there have been injuries in boxing and even some deaths, But none of have been that serious".
5 Softball Announcer
" If history repeats it's self, I think we can expect the same thing to happen again".
6 Basketball Analyst
" He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn't like it, In fact you can see it all over their faces",
7 At the rowing medal ceremony
" Ah! Isn't it nice the wife of the IOC President is hugging the Cox of the British Crew"
8. Soccer commentator
Julian Dick is everywhere, it's like they had eleven Dicks on the field
9. Tennis Commentator
"One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that , before the final round, His wife takes out his balls and kisses them … Oh! My GOD what have I just said."
Return of the Sorrow, The Frame break strikes back...
Me: 2:15am - hu, no, what, no, hu, how, why, Luke, I'm your father, Tink, snap, wabble, graiiinnnnnddddddd.... what was that, hu... Melissa 2:18am - Sweety, Honey, Snuggle bear (yes she calls me snuggle bear, got a problem with that?) Wake up, your having a bad dream. Me: Hu?, oh thank god, I had the worst dream, I dreamt that I broke bottom bracket off the fish while on my way to work. Melissa: ahhh, honey? Me: Yea babe? Melissa: Ya did, that was no dream Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
So after work yesterday I got a ride from one of my co-workers, (THANK YOU DOUG!) back to my truck. From there it was over to the local Trek LBS, where they took some pictures of my poor little fish. :( . After that it was off to my typical LBS for the stripping party (sounds so dirty), they were sickly busy while I was there, so it was a drop off, BS for a while and then home. Sniff, Sniff, missing trigger.....
On a high note, Dave H., Joe H, and Chris L. (f) all offered up replacement rides to keep me spinning till I get the replacement from Trek. I took Dave up on riding him M80 for a while. HOLY truck, this things is HUGE, keep in mind that he is about 6'9" and has 2, count them 2 sets of risers on the front tube. I don't think you could get a more upright riding position on a beach cruiser if you tried.
Something I never thought of, Dave and I ride two completely DIFFERENT saddles. His are small, narrow and HARD!!!(shut up) mine are flared in the back, narrow front and sweetly cushioned(also shut up).
Got to work fine, but OHHH my acing back side. Going to be stopping in at the LBS to pick up my saddle tonight. I was kicking around the idea of getting my wheals as well and switch them out for the lower rolling resistance, but I'm thinking that skinny tires would look out of place on that MT bike. (Did I just make a bike set up decision purly on the visual aesthetics?)
Steve, (you all remember Steve, the wonderful human that gave me the phone number for Trek Support :)) read over the blog and has made a posting for Why Helmets don't suck. So with out further adoooo.
Why Helmets Don't Suck...
Text complements of Steve.
So, I'm riding my mountain bike to work the other morning, just like I do every day that I can. That is, every day there's no snow on the ground! They have torn up one good stretch of road along my commute, but I refuse to be diverted from my path, and hey, I do ride an "all terrain" vehicle.
The left side of the road is having new piping buried, and is currently a mix between a ditch and a dirt road in places, the right side is untouched pavement, and usually clear to ride on. At my favorite little downhill stretch, I see a big bucket loader at the bottom of the hill coming my way. I hop down into the dirt on the left and pick up speed. At the bottom I see (too late) that there is a pile of sandy fill waiting to be spread around.
"Oh f*ck..."
I lean back and try to "float" the bike over the sand.
The bike has other ideas, and stops dead.
Bail, fly, bounce, skid, stop.
At one point I felt like a 'tard sliding into home base ass first.
I stand up to a round of applause as the construction workers have just had their entertainment for the day.
At least neither the bike or myself are broken, and I get to work without further incident.
And I get a new dumbass biking trophy, road rash.
The moral of the story? Helmets, gloves and Camelbaks = bikers armor!
Ok, I'm fully impressed, I contacted a nice ELK class rider from the MT bike fourms about his past experience with a Fisher break named Steve, he was extreamly nice enough to share with me some of the information he learned during his breakdown, and it definitely helped.
The events of my day.
1) I sent the email to Fisher Tech support at 9:32AM EST (Should have been titled "Please dear god help me make my baby hole again") 2) MT bike fourm Steve gave me their phone number :) 3) Called them, nice on the phone, good answer line "Thank you for calling, my name is " " how can I help you 4) After explaining what happened, and where the break is, I gave the Trek guy the URL to this site and had him take a look. He then checked with his buddy in warranty support and they think that by looking at the pictures it will be warranty. But, its has to go through a local store. 5) Hung up with them, and called the local Trek LBS, after asking if they had time to talk to me about a warranty issue, and their response being "Well I'm a little busy right now, but I guess I have time" I hung up and called the OTHER Trek dealer in my area. They want to see it, and have no problem if I put the parts on the new frame my self.(Joe) 6) At 1:30pm EST, that's less then 5 hours I have a message in my inbox from Trek warranty esupport giving me the same info. IN LESS THEN 5 hours!!! holy broken bike parts Batman.
So tonight its off to the local Trek LBS to get her picture taken and sent off to the Fish Factory, lets hope for some frame love.
I cant even begin to tell you all how much today sucks. Trigger is dead, my faithful green meanie is gone, done, finished, caput. In case you cant tell from the picture the frame on my 05 fisher marlin has gone to bike Heaven. In case you don't know, my AM commute is fairly easy, all but a mile of gravel trail, is paved. I have even changed my path a bit so I don't have to hoop a curb, this was done more to prevent more broken spokes. Today while riding up State street in Harrisburg I was crossing 2nd street and I heard a sick sound, it sounded like someone hit a hamster with a sludge hammer. (kaathunk, with a squish) I was not fully the sound that was sick, it was the feeling that came along with it. My ride went from stiff, responsive hard tail, to full suspension with a problem. when the cranks went around there was a wobble. Thinking I killed another set of cranks (acutely laughed about it a bit, thinking I can't wait to see the look on the guys at the local LBS when they find out I killed a set of XTs in a month). That is whey I saw the crack,,,,, I'm going to be sick... She bleed green.
So here is the sequence thoughts that went through my head.
1) hu, what was that?
2) Is that broken, no, what, how, hu, no?
4) I said a word here, it ends in uck
3) Your freaking kidding me........
4) Oh man....(thinking about public weeping)
5) Let me look again, maybe its not that bad
6) Its bad.
7) I can't buy a new bike now.
8) DAM IT!!
9) Maybe I can just get a new frame for the MT bike?
10) I have the LHT on layaway,,,, NO I'm getting married in a MONTH
11) DAM IT!!!!
12) Wonder what the warranty is?
13) Great, now I get to walk.... (DAM IT!!!!!)
Ok, at work, calmed down a bit. Dave H. rocks my bike socks, he is going to let me use his M80 as a loner till I can get back on something of my own. I checked out Garry Fishers warenty site, and it reads;
Gary Fisher Bicycles warrants each new Gary Fisher frame, rigid fork, or original component part of the bicycle against defects in workmanship and materials:
For the lifetime of the original owner The bicycle frame, except the fork
As I am the orignal owner, of the bike, I figure this should be a mute issue. I sent the obligitory email off to their warrenty support site this morning. Now its just a waiting game. Ill keep you all up to date on any developments.
Again, thanks Dave H. the loner helps make today better.
So friday I had the bright idea of leaving work 30 min early and taking a new way to meet Dave H. after work.
WOW, was that stupid.
Ok, not really but I pushed my self to the point of exhaustion. By the time I got to where Dave H. and I meet up I was feeling sick to my stomach, light headed and wanting to throw up. The climbs I had to do where harder then they were last weekend, but I figured that since I had not ridden three days during the week (thank you sweety for taking me to work :) my legs would be fine. So part of that was correct, my legs were ok for a while, only downfall I hit was a head wind that seemed to be following me around, and I was carrying my laptop, all my office toys, and the weeks leftover laundry that was had to come home. I had to be a good 20-30lbs heavy. That made a real difference.
Elevation profile -->
Total Elevation Change on the Trip: 781 feet
Avg; 12.1 Trip: 19.5 (on the day) Time: 1:45 (I think, I cleared it before making note) Max: 27.2
Ok so far this week has sucked, but will be back on the bike tomorrow and that will definitely help things.
So on to the geeky goodness
Digicam zapps blemishs...
So this little number is another in the now long line of small handhelds that are sporting over 10.1 Mega Pixels under their sexy little lenses covers.
Its War baby, and its being held at the compact digicam level.
This little guy, comes complete ($429) with the company's in-camera touch up mode called Make-UP.
I know you all exicted, just cant wait for this one to come out... Well at least you can get ride of your 16 year old kids pimples with the built in clone tool. (or just get ride of the kid to)
Go ahead punk, press the red button...
Play the video, this the best Cell phone unboxing EVER!!!
USB Heated Shawl... USB blankets, yea, yea, yea. We have all seen then, all thought about them, then all asked our selves the question of how the HELL would I sleep on the computer. But this is a really cool (get it?) idea. I can have the AC on at work, and keep my female co-workers warm. Cause you know if you keep your female coworkers warm any other way, you had just better keep, keeping them warm cause you ass will be looking for a new place to sleep.
I'm not kidding, this woman is not real, she is a computer program.
. I made the...
So its not news to hear, get or find a picture of someone on your new camra phone. But this was the first time that we have heard of where the picture was on purpose and,, AND not a fuzzy image of the fat guy on the shipping dock.
Ahhhhh... Finally... "Insert SoapBox"
Most Street lamps are STUPID, and waist of MY, YOUR, OUR MONEY. So let me ask, why does the intersection down the street from me need to be light up like Solider field at 2am, there is no one driving at that time, and if they are they have HEAD LIGHTS on their car....
Do me, us, you a favor, TURN THE DAMM THINGS OUT!!!
I cant tell you how often it was drilled into me as a kid to turn the light out when you leave the room. When I was a child this seemed like the bigest pain the back side, I mean god, I have to lift my arm and everything. Now that I get the power bill... I'm sure I can turn the lights out in the room I'm in and still type.
"Remove SoapBox"
So this is so cool, so green and just sexy. LED street lamps in NYC. Current street lamps can run for about 24,000 hours, these for 50 to 70,000, while using 25 to 30% less energy. Put that in with the reduction of harmful chemicals when discarded and this is about the greenest thing the big apple has done in a while.
Honey, can you turn up the? What the hell is that... Its the Kayak? the kayak, where in the hell did they come up with the name Kayak for this? Ok, so what is it you ask, well good question. Its seems that somewhere, apparently for the person that has a really cool fireplace but a tacky as hell lamp buy their window there is just a need for a speaker that just does not look like a speaker. So for $2,900.00 (no that decimal point is not in the wrong point) you can have a speaker that looks like a spare part from the flux capacitor. It will crank out sound at 60W, running a sensitivity of about 86dB.
Lego my desk... Ok, so surrounding its thin steel legs are movable blocks. So cool, but I guess that it would have a short "cool half life". No idea of what the price is, but I'm guessing not cheap.
Near and Dear...
So this is near to my, and many family's hearts.
One of the biggest and most challangling parts a cancer suffer has to face is the surgery. So let me spell this out in case your not aware. 1) Find out you have cancer 2) They tell you your options 3) They operate to remove as much as they can FIND? 4) They miss some, and have to do it again, and again, and again, and again....
With this new tech, they will be able to radiate the diseased tissue with dies that target specific structures, such as cancer cells when injected into patients. Then in the surgery the doc's can light you up with NIR (near-infrared) and see exactly what needs to go. Lets hope they can put this to good use in the very, very near future.
All those drinking straws, and no woman that wanted to date him...
Let me spell this one out for you. Its a basic recipe. 1 - Geek 5 - 2 letter bottles of MT Dew 1 - Table lamp with busted shade, yea its broken but you still use it for you bed side lamp (all you geeks know the one I'm talking about) 2 - Costco boxes of colored drinking straws. 6 - bottles of modeling glue 1- weekend with out a date (should not be hard to come by at this point)
Geek - Look mom, I made a lamp. Mom - Wow, thats amazing son. Mom Thinking to her self - "Why could'nt he just get a girl pregnant instead? " Geek - Yea, and some guy on eBay is going to pay me $400.00 Each, with a starting order of 300. Were opening a factory next week Mom Thinking - "Finally, he can move out, and get laid" Geeks Dad - Did you say he was moving out? Mom - No, but I thought about it, how did you hear that Geeks Dad - When it comes to getting that boy out of the house, I hear thous words faster then I know if someone moved the thermostat.
It is a cool lamp though.
Just in case... If you ever find your self in a nice hotel, or Europe.
I'm not sure why, but bidets have never cought on here in the US. I mean really, whats wroung with a nice butt washing from time to time. And you can control the temp of the water, nice and cooling after to many hot wings. (your only laughing cause you know what I'm talking about)
Ahh, the Bidet or as my uncle calls it the "ass sink"
Sweet idea...
Admit it, when you go to one of those cheep, or now "trendy" restaurants where they use paper for the place mats you color on with the kids crayons just like me. Well now you can use your coffee mug and be "trendy" to. I'll bet you a donut that this shows up in, well I don't know, Coffee shops?
Wireless power... You heard of it? yea me to. You seen it? yea me to. You think it will every work in our lifetimes? yea me to...
Intel sent 60watts, three feet using magnetic induction. Had a 75% efficiency. Call me when you can charge my laptop from across the room with out roasting my "acorns" and ill sit up and pay attention.
Cool Mom and Dad... So check this out, this is the kind of stuff that makes your kid cool for life.
Kid - "Hey, can I have a tree house?" Mom - "Son, we live in the city, their arent any trees." Kid - "That sucks." Mom - "Yep" Dad - "We can fix that"
Mom and Dad then went about turning this lucky kids bed room into a tree house. Hell I'm an adult (sometimes) and I want one. Talk about building an environment to allow your child's imagination to grow.
Why Helmets don't suck...
Two things.
Points to this guy for getting his hands out in front of him, that is ALOT more then most do.
They guy still on the bike, looks like Dave H's skinny imaginary brother.
Pet picture of the Day...
two of our three cats.
Ozwald/OZ/Ozzy (kitten, tabby) napping next to Beatrix (adult tuxedo)
So Cute
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Something strange happened on the way to Saturday AM breakfast today, but for things to be in perspective I need to back up a day and tell you about Friday, and how it could have sucked.
Friday morning while on the way to work, my heart sunk when I heard a sound that is becoming all to familiar. TINK, well that's wrong, it was more like tink. My Decore rear wheal has not been working well for me. This may (is) mostly due to the fact that I'm what is referred to in the biking world as a double Clydesdale, or the monicure I prefer an Elk on the bike.
Being well over the 250 mark, the stress placed on my back wheal is better defined as tonnage. Well that new wheals were not designed for this kind of stress, actually the rim and hub can take it, it was the spokes that are having issues. So after the extremely diminutivetink, notifying me that another spoke just went to bike part heaven, I was rewarded with a little shimmy in the rear. About ten minuets latter, that sound raised its ugly little head again. Two down. Crap. Damm. Dog flop and all other appropriate words.
Side Note: When I get down to Clydesdale weight, I'm buying this jersey.
After a short work day on Friday, I figured I could limp the bike back to Dave H's house, do a quick spoke change out, and then hit up one of the local climbs. About fifteen minuets into my ride home, there it was again, after a easy standing peddle up a small rise...tink! Ok, at this point I'm done like bacon. I don't have the skills to do a backyard three spoke swap and tune. Its not the spoke change out that's the problem, its tuning the wheel. If all of the spokes were spread out around the wheal, not so much of a problem, just change out the broken ones, tension the new additions and then perform a slight tune. But in this case, the three spokes that broke, were side by side. Gerrrrr. This caused my back wheal to look like, well a, Pringle.
So I grabbed my cell, and pulled up the speed dial for my local LBS. After talking to Rick, he told me to just cut to the chase and bring it in for restringing. After spending an hour taking shop with the boys at the LBS I was back in the saddle and on my way to meet up with Dave H. for the ride home.
So this brings us to Saturday. Every Saturday morning our group of friends meet up for breakfast at a local hot grill and coffee shop. So Friday evening I got it in my head to ride the bike to breakfast. Its only about ten miles round trip, but its in my option some of the hardest ten miles in Harrisburg. From my house its straight down Progress avenue.
Not that bad right, now take into account that my typical ride to work has a total elevation change of a negative amount. In the past I have hated climbing, HATED IT, it was the most painful thing I could think of. This 5 miles has some killer hills for me, I almost riped the alarm clock off the bedside table and ditched the ride this morning. But I packed up the wedge pack and hit the road. First couple of hills I went slow into, got off the saddle and rode up them fairly well. I got a nice 32mph down hill run and then back up the next climb. Things are going well, really well, that is when I realized I was having fun, painful fun, but I was enjoying my self. Every hill I got to, I lead into it nice and easy, found a good gear, stood up and made the climb. I left myself a full hour for the five mile ride, and successfully made it in 32 min, not a bad effort. Hell I was shocked, and I felt really good.
Hear is a image of the elevation profile of the ride in. Now I don't have a GPS mount, yet, so I did the rough math for elevation change and came up with about a total ride elevation change of 450 feet going one way. That tied into the fact that I got a wonderful downhill near the end of the ride in, made the way in fun but challenging.
So after a wonderful breakfast, spinage wrap with mushrooms, and a fruit cup, chased with four cups of coffee (oh yea) it was time to ride back. I have to admit I was a little bit nervous. So on went the head phone, some good rock and roll and get to moving my feet. Now this is a bad photo from my cell phone but it at least give some idea of what the starting hill at 4.5 miles looks like from the bottom. Again I was out of the saddle, click up two gears and pound it out. This is the point where I started to think there was something wrong with me, I'm in pain yes, my legs are killing me heck yes, but I know I have this hill beat. That is when I realized I was having fun. Now I typically don't like ridding by my self, but this was fun. Just me, the hill and that little voice in the back of my head.
The rest of the hills, bang, bang, bang goes the legs, the rest of the hills are not really that bad. That's not saying that they weren't painful, because they do, but things were going well. So I got back to the last climb, a slow, long, and large left hand dogleg climb back into my development and that is where things started to turn south. My right leg, had stared to cramp up.... did I drink on they way home???? DAMMIT!!!! So back to the truck after two cool down laps around the development and I felt really good, bonked a little bit on the last climb, but I never once stoped cause I could not go on. I would love to admit that I was not over joyed to see a red light at one intersection, but I did.
Number on the day! Trip: 10.7 miles Time: 48:53 min/sec Avg: 13.1 mph Max: 37.9 mph (on a MT bike ;) )
After publishing this blog, I came to realize that this may not be the hardest 10 miles in Harrisburg, but it should be on the list. If someone knows of a ride that is harder, please let me know.
To top off the day, Melissa and I went to the gym when she got out of work. 20 minuets on the stationary bike, on the hill setting, level 7. cadence around 98 to 104 and 200 calories. The really, really good news, from last month, the last time I am DOWN 20 lbs. Oh yea baby, you know you want it. Ahhaahahah
So I'm happy to say that Melissa has now said yes, twice.
Not only am I marrying a wonderful, caring, helpful, beautiful, and funny woman, but she also thinks about her mans happiness when it comes to geeky goodness. But this geeky goodness goes between my legs... wait let me enplane,, no that will take to long let me sum up.
During a recent trip to the LBS (read more bellow) I had the fortune, or miss-fortune of taking a Surly Long Hall Trucker (LHT) for a test ride. WOW, wow, WoW, Wow, woW (did I miss any?)
So after much ho-humming, thinking and the soon to be wife saying "I'll let you decide, but make sure we can afford it" I placed the order for it at the LBS, its going to be on layaway for a while, but I will make the switch over to it sometime this fall. So excited.
I want a new spoke, One that does what it should (Huey Lewis in the back of your mind yet?) One that don't split in half, One that don't crack real, real good. One that won't make me nervouswondering what to do One that makes me feel like I feel when I ride XTTTTTTTT All alone with bike parts......
Let me start this off by saying this. I like Performance.com,, ALOT, I think their customer service is spot on. But this new wheal set is just not working out. Since I have owned it (2 weeks) I have had to replace 4 spokes. Thinking it was my, I have removed both the MT bike trail (Broken and cracked service road service on river ft. Part) and taken the only curb hop that my ride to work requires. With nothing but level trail, I'm still busting spokes. While I have goten very good at replacing spokes and truing my wheal on the bike, its getting old FAST. I'm sending a nice letter to performance CS and to see what they have to say. I will update after I hear back from them.
On to the show Sweet Jebis this is funny.
There will be no tech news, geek stuff today, just a collection of some of the funnier photos I have found while gathering info for this blog.
I always knew ASCII would come in handy.
I'm you best friend, really, prove it!
Well then, this enplanes it all.
Wonder how they would feel if we started drooping in our their planet and messing with their corn fields.
Something seems out of place here but I just cant seem to put my finger on it.
So wrong, funny but wrong non-the-less
And remember kids, always practice safe networking
Hummmmm????? which one?
One of the best marketing ideas I have ever seen
Peeing my self laughing
How often can you say you've seen lightning and a rainbow at the same time.
Why Helmets don't suck...
Want to really know, ask this guy in about 5 min!
Pet of the day...
How many licks does it take to get the center of a kitty roll pop?
No I'm not making it up, someone made an alarm clock that sounds like a woman in the fit of pleasure. I'm sure it would get you up in the morning, but how?
LiveScribe Smartpen... So do you take notes during meetings? still writing on paper, we I will admit that I have tried to move over to the dark side and use my laptop during all meetings, but from time to time even I forget to pack up the pc and head to a meeting with only pen a paper. nicely enough this little device will record the notes you take and the mp3 it records, and link them up so you can hear what was being said, while you were taking a particular note. Love duck hunt, hate the damm dog... Did you love duck hunt, but hate the dog. Like to go shooting stuff, but don't want to leave your AC home theater room behind. Well in that case, this ones for you. Nothing like hunting in the afternoon, and then play the back 9 with tiger.
Ill admit that I have never been a Palm fan, dont know why, just never been a fan of their OS. but this is one of the smartest advertisement I have ever seen.
Solar Ombrella lamp, protects against light and sun during day, and glows at night...
Ok, daddy like, its a solar lamp that charges during the day and then puts out a nice glow during the PM hours. Has a 10 hour run time off a single charge, its a bit our of my price range at $2,150.
Why Helmets dont suck...
This is your face on the earth, any questions? Broken Shami friend Joe H. decided to try out a face plant this weekend while out on the Mt bike. Seems that the helmet did just what it was supposed to, but in the end it was his riding glasses that took the brunt of the hit. Glad to see that it was the helmet and the glasses rather then that far-head that broke the fall.
All of us are happy to know that he is ok, besides if something happened to him, I would have to find another Grooms man. (and someone else to fix my bike for free)
Ok, I admit I have been slacking, working in truth, but slacking on the blog never the less. So in reformation I will now sacrifice one of my employees, volemtears? anyone? anyone, Buler, Buler...
MOOOOOve left Betsy, LEFT!... Having problems getting your cows to go where you want them to? The get a little help from the Ear-A-Round. This little device hooks over the cows head, and then plays sounds into either the left or right side depending on the direction you want them to go. I wounder what it plays when they are to just stand still, or go forward. although it would be really funny to see a hole field of bovines rocking out to YMCA, we want to milk at the YMCA, they got everything a cow can enjoy, you can get milked by all of the boys. (funny, song seems to have the same meaning that way)
WOW,,, no I mean really, WOW! Right before he got fired, someone decided to work "overtime" at a undisclosed government facility and load Wold of War craft up on the OHG 40 feet by 15 feet 67" HD monitors. I did the math, and the resolution would be 12600x3150. Honey can I have one? Please??
Golden Mac... No not the computer but the price. Always struck me as odd that Macs cost SO FREEKING much more then a PC. Im sure the MAC dweebs will post and PM their hearts on, not on this site I'm sure but they will as to why a Mac costs more, and works better, and VISTA. Ok, we know Vista sucks, but then again I can WORK on my PC with out having to figure out what the hell an extension set is and why it will not boot (if thats what they call it) up with out one.
For the record, I'm about to my limit of tech that has the letter i in front of it. I know, its hip, its cool, its HOT, its over done, beaten up and even apple should stop. Also for the record, most if not all novitiates USB devices are useless. This might be an exception, the only think I can see that is missing a photo clip for the picture of your all time favorite boss (Glen, Sally) and then text the crap out of your self till its not funny any more.
I always new it was alive...
So like most little kids, I believed that all things in my parents house were alive. They would just look at me when I was not looking. To this day, I KNOW my truck has a personality, just like I KNOW its a woman. (expensive) but when the staff at broken shami found this guy talking to the toaster we had some problems. And all this time I trusted the toaster.
Power Saw Drag Racing... Hell on Barbie wheals. Seems theres a sport (?????) where you mod a power tool, strap on some hardware and run it down the street to see who's will be the fastest. although I would like to watch this, can I have a seat in the back, WAY BACK
Its a lamp, its a fan, its a FART killer...
Well its happened, air purifying hardware has come of age. Most of my problem with it has been the fact that it all looked like it came out of the sky mall catalog. My not-a-wife-yet will want one of these for in the bed room, I just know it
CORRECTION... Seems that bat man is real, at least in this guys mind. Bob Dullam has built a drivable version of the Tumbler, cost him between $50,000 and $70,000 and will net him 3 times that much if it every hits the eBay block. And before you ask, he is planning on building him self a bat pod as well. Having the Tumbler sitting in his back yard does not shock me that much, they did actually build the car for the movie, if you watch the special features on the extended DVD they show the build up and driving, plus interviews with the design team that it was a little to much fun to drive.
Biodegradable Flash Drive... Cause I was always worried about all those flash drives I throw out filling up a land fill? Its the worlds first, and most likely the only. It been constructed with Corn-based plastics polylactide.
Gizmodo Retro Tech... WTH? A few things about this,
1) Was this really a problem, its called a bracelet people 2) That nurse scares the HELL OUT OF ME 3) The 'Mommy" is SCARY 4) Mommy might be a little gay?
if you read the article, its says that they also tan the mother with the initials... you know just in case she forgets who she is.
Eye Camera... Ok so eye shaped camera is not really that amazing, but the mesh-like material that carries the photodetectors and electronic components are REALLY freeking cool.
Two new cameras... The Nikon Coolpix P6000 pictured front - $500 -13.5meg -4x optical -2.7 rouchscreen monitor -built in GPS for geotagging pics -Full manual mode - RAW
Kind of cool, keep this small device next to your desk side with any of the items you need, but done want to wake your partner getting. You know important stuff like, Eyeglasses, cigarettes, keys to the handcuffs. The cool bit of tech is that the sensors only lights up when you reach for something, that way its not on all night.
My green car is to quite...
So its seems that the owners of Lightning GT are po'ed. Their car does not make good car sounds. So lotus is proposing a 300w speaker to make you feel better about the sound of your car. So much for cutting down on noise poloutition. On a cool side note, I am sure there will be a way to intface this system so you can talk to your fellow drivers.
Thous Crazy Dutch... The small Dutch town of Hengelo is about to test out a new kind of concrete paving slab that actually grabs onto the car-exhaust pollutant sucking it out of the air and rendering it harmless. The special bricks contain a component based on titanium dioxide that acts to "fix" the pollutant with the aid of sunlight. The best bit is that the resulting nitrates just wash away with the next rain. Clever stuff: and if the trial results next summer show improved air quality, I'm sure we'll see environmentalists dancing along singing. Why Helmets don't Suck...
Cute Pet of the Day...
OK, we have it established that I hate pet costumes right? But this is cute