Let me start today off with "I LOVE THE McMuffin", always have.

Let me also say, I can't remember the last time I had one.
Cause I have figured out how to do one better, but before the recipe, let me tell you why.
Biking to work can be a pain in the butt (literally and figurative).
Not only do you have to dress up like the guy that films underwater seals in Alaska, by the time you get to work you ready for another shower, again...not to mention that once you get to work, you get to change typical in a bathroom stall and shower with baby wipes. Nothing like spending the rest of the day with slightly wrinkled clothes.
Now don't let me fool you here one bit, its allot of fun, I mean a bucket of fun, when you peddle past cars stuck in traffic!
So hears where the problem lies, I hate getting out of bed, really do. I really don't know why, I figured it was just something we all grow out of. I'm sure that at some point my grandfather slept in, maybe, once. But for as long as I can remember he has been getting up around 4am EVERYDAY. I just can't do it, well that's not true. I once told my wife that I was getting up at 4am, she looked me dead in the eyes and said "Only if your going fishing".
So back to the point here, I tend to not get up in time for breakfast. Ok, that's a problem when trying to loss weight.
So here is the remedy at least for me.
1-Frying pan, skillet, griddle
1-3" ring mold (give you a hint here, the ring mold needs to be about the size of a muffin)

1-container of egg beaters
1-Can non-stick cooking spray
1-Stick butter (don't flip out ill explain in a moment)
1-Spatula (Very thin, heat resistant and non-stick should be best)
Ok, get the pan hot, and spray with cooking spray. If the cooking spray foams and turns brown when it hits the pan its too hot. You know when this happens cause it will smell like you are cooking salmon. (fish oil burning) For my range I start off at about 4 on the dial, but then cut it back to about 3 once the pan is hot.
-Spray the pan.
-Spray the ring mold.
-Place the ring mold on the pan.
-Slice off a paper thin pat of butter and put it in the ring mold.
-As soon as the butter foams up, poor in a table spoon of egg, this will create a seal so the rest of the egg does not run out under the edge of the ring mold.
-Poor in as much egg as you would like to eat on a muffin.
-Scramble the egg with a fork to build up some kerds and allow the still non-coagulated egg to come in contact with the pan.
-Once things are getting kind of stiff, flip the ring mold and egg to the other side
-Remove the ring mold and finish cooking to the doneness you prefer.
-After they cool, wrap in a paper towel, bag up and in the fridge.
Time for breakfast.
-Wake up
-Get dressed for ride
-Put egg, in the microwave on high for two min
--I add a slice of low fat ham, and a bit of cheese, but that's just me.
-Slice a muffin and toast
-when the muffin is done, put on what ever toppings you care for, I'm a katsup person my self, but what ever floats your boat.
-Warp the entire thing up in a paper towel, and place in a zip lock bag.
-Throw into bike bag.
-Peddle to work
-Clean up, Change, Go to desk
-Unwrap eggy goodness and enjoy.
If you are so inclined to make your own muffins, I would highly recommend.
ON to the geeky goodness...
For my inner geek
Touch Recognition to SMART...

Seems that the good folks over at SMART have been thinking up ways to add touch capes to SMART boards. I will tell you from a training standpoint, you will never want to teach with out these again.
Also for my inner geek,

Adjustable displays...

I'm drooling over this one. Still in the concept stage, but the idea is that you will be able to adjust the display to any configure you please. And the desk top surface can be utilized as a display.
Algae bioreactor from recycled water bottles...
Blue tooth, no, Ipod jacks no, save your life, maybe...

Kolon's new jacket, comes complete with a Gore-tex shell, compass, and translucent hood. But the big, big news is that this jacket can keep you a nice toasty 95 degrees. But no one seems to know for how long, how much or how heavy its goning to be.
Murdering a mole skin...

Cute little modd, and with Boards running sick level sales on Moles skinns at the moment this might be one worth doing.
I don't know how much he gets paid, but it is not

Just to give you an idea of how gently this flight hit the water, look at the lack of skin damage to the nose section.
Why helmets don't suck....

If your going to ride naked (OUCH) at least put on a helmet. Shes going to have brush burns in the most interesting places.
Employee-"I can't come into work today"
Manager - "Why Not?"
Employee - "I have a brush burn on my hoha"
Manager - "Really, how on earth did you get that?"
Employee - "I was riding a bike naked"
Manager - 'Take all the time you need"
Pet of the day...

Good dog, very, very good dog.
Suddenly my oatmeal doesn't look anything near good anymore.
How many cals in that thing? Can't be terrible I'd imagine?
Here is what I have figured out for cals.
Egg Beaters 1/4 cup
Thomas, Whole Wheat
Cal: 63
Fat: 0.7
1 pat should make 4 egg pucks.
So 1 pat = 36 cals and 1g of fat
Cal: 9
Fat: 1
if you add cheese and ham
Cheese (low fat): 48
Ham: 30
Totals with Cheese and Ham
Cal: 180
Fat: 4.4
W/out Ham and Cheese
Cal: 102
Fat: 1.7
I try to get the low fat, wheat versions of as much as I can. Most of the No fat cheese options scare me.
What oatmeal do you like? I have never found an instant that did not taste like library paste.
Oh man, 180 calories? MINE. I'm so trying that out this weekend. SO trying it out.
And I use Quaker quick oats, with some sugar-free maple syrup mixed in. It isn't really good, but it's filling and low-cal. :)
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
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