So since you can't get out, heres your geeky news
Flash is the Devil Bobby Bushea...
Really, flash can kill your processing speed on a slower machine, so would you like a way to block it from running except when you want it to.
Drum roll, come on you know you want it
Firefox - Flashblock
Safari - Safari Stand
IE - Toggle Flash
"and she showed me her bobbies and I like them to."
50 megapixel... "Droll"

So would you like a 50 megapixel camera? Good, when you buy yours get me one at $2,5000 US.
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Why Helmets don't suck...

This guy just should have known better. I love the guy in the red He most be a Lopez...
Lets play a game, name all the things that are broken.
1) Frame, notice he is still holding the handle bars
2) Face. I don't even want to think about where his nose it right now.
Did I miss anything?
Good caption: "Inspect your bike one a week..."
Lets take a recline...

If I was going to ride a tandum bike, this is the type I would like to be on.
In the Air Force, where you pay all our bills...

We have known for years that power lines leak. The ozzzzz power, so the Air Force has built a UM UAV to take advantage of that fact. This little critter can fly till breakdown using nothing but the power it "borrows" from the power lines. I guess that is just one more reason for the power company's to increase rates.
HBO - Your next!!
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Toast, yea toast..
Remember that song from the early 80's;
Toast, yea Toast,
I wake up in the morning, take a piece of bread,
Put it in the slot,
Push down the button and the wires get hot, I get TOAST.
I love toast, its so good with so many things, Jelly, Jam, PEANUT butter, Honey, egg sandwiches. Eggy toast, SOS the list will go on and on and on and on and on. But when I see people messing with the design of the toaster I get a little ruffled. I bet the dog loves it when you forget to put a plate under it.
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