I just can't help it, I see some little geeky bling at the store, hand held, remote, USB, GPS, Cell, MP3, PDA, SmartPhone, 10Mp, Digital something and I MUST HAVE! only one problem THEY ALL TAKE BATTERIES. (Right now the ghost of my father is behind me yelling, "HAHAHAHA! all those Christmas toys")
Today Uniross released a solar and wind powered batter charger. There not the first to do so, but its good to see items like this gaining in popularity. Now if I can just figure out how to mount the wind power unit to my bike, I could charge my GPS while riding...
Read Full Details <--- Click Here
Stupid Yutes...
The youth of today are stupid. Ok, not all, but this group are dumb as rocks. Sorry rocks, that was an insult, dumb as the stuff that rocks make fun of at a rock conference.
So these two future rocket scientists decided that while it was slow at the engraving shop to LASER ETCH their skin!!! Did you cringe? You should have, if you didn't then watch the video and you will.
10 Things tech can't improve...
BBG (BoingBoinggadgets.com) has come up with a list of 10 things that tech can't improve on, while I agree with the concept I think there is some room for debate here. They do a good job for all the talking points, so ill not reiterate here
Read the full details here <--Click here
What the...

What in the hell would you need this for? If your this much of a hard core vacationer, BUY A BOAT!!!!
Cell Phones bad...

Three things make me twitch while riding my bike;
1) People making turns and looking to see if traffic is coming and not where they are going.
2) Parked cars with someone in them. (please don't open that door)
3) ANYONE in a car with in 100 feet of me, talking on a cell phone
Bad TIVO, NO!...

So TIVO is selling your data. Nope not reading that wrong, they are keeping demographic data on ALL TIVO users, and now they decided to sell it. So every dirty movie you watched in the privacy of your home with your significant other will now be public knowledge to who ever buys their database. Got-a-love-it
How to know...
How can you tell when your companies naming convention is getting to complex.
Chineses SWAT...

Do I have to say anything?
Read the full details <--- Click Here
What the guy in the foreground shoots he will move back, I just want to be the guy he shoots at second cause he will not be able to hit SHIT from a moving platform.
Some of the best captions so far.
Josh T: "Stop! Step out of the vehicle and agree to be my friend."
Don: "Don't make me lean forward and come over there."
Chris: "Do it... do it now! Get to the human transportah!"
Josh F: "Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAKE!"
Ryan: "Watch yourself, Frank, we're dealing with professionals. They've got a... car."
Darren: "So, um, is it safe to back away from this vehicle?"
Richard: "Yes, this would be more intimidating from a Humvee, but y'know, gas prices these days..."
Nilay: "Put the Roomba down!"
Thomas: "Quit calling me Ginger, I'm a day walker!"
1 comment:
www.dealextreme.com - Check it out for a lot of those solar chargers you see there, they have one for about 18 dollars I think, and it has a built in battery, so you leave it attached to the bike in the sun all day, and you get free charges for the GPS.
The site ships direct from China, and charges nothing for shipping, so the only price is the item price. Pretty cool.
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