Not really but some Russian Raverers are. Seems they went to a Rave (forplay) and looked into a laser Beam (Stupid) and now are having problems seeing (Acid). While I find this terribly interesting (Not really) I freaking loved the image they showed of the party.
1) Count the number of woman you can find the party
I found 3, noted with down arrows
They must have a FEMALE reproductive system
2) Check out underwear boy on the right hand side of the image. I bet his Parents are proud, come on wearing you George Forman's undies, doing the Will Smith snap and glide dance move. OUT, GET OUT.... I can't dance, its not that I don't want to, I just can't. When I was created, planned, put together someone where in the McClain family the genetic trate for rythym was lost. I blame drinking and problay some drugs that my parents will not fess up to but never the less dont have an ear for music. In fact, I can miss the beat of a sound that I'm humming.
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"Its my stapler...

Want to keep you office works from stealing your stapler, if only our little office nerd had some of these wonderfully devices. Everything from a AK that fires remotely, to a buzzer as a door stop.
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A camera even an idiot could love...

Samsung's new TI9 point ans shoot camera is built for the non-camera frenziedly user. On the camera they used some throw back tech, in a new and high tech way. Analog dials for battery, and Memory card usage, kick donkey idea.
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Don't Panic...

They are selling Douglas Adams typewriter, wow that word is stating to get so old that spell check even has no idea what it means. Then again there is a heck of a good chance that its just me.
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Why Helmets Don't Suck...
Todays Why Helmets Don't Sucks is a double feature.

Funny Picture of the Day...
It was a really good pet picture day, so here are a few to hold you over.
Cat to Right: Take the picture, then I'm eating this mouse

and puking it up in your slippers for this.

They should be wearing helmets when riding Wonder Womans Bike.

German Shepherd: PLAY?
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