So the truth has to come out, I get alot of my information from www.uncrate.com.
It is hands down, one of the best online buying guids for Men around. So to give credit where credit is do, click the lick, use your credit, and tell them Broken Shami sent you. You will not get a discount, but at least you can confused the hell out of someone today.

Everyone loves a good Batman movie right? From what I've been picking up in the feeds, the new installment with Christian Bale as the Bat, has a rather KiCK tail looking cycle in it. (As seen in picutre to left) Due to this, and other images like it hunders of geeks are running all over the net trying to find this bike. sigh...
- Batman is not real
- CG is
- That bike is CG, or some other creative figment of a geeks mind
- Geeks should never drive a motor cycle, Vespa yes, Katana NO
So this PM'er says "Well you know, characters like Batman were originally created using ancient culture methodology as a basis for the creation, so in theory there could have been a person that used the persona of a Bat to hid them selfs from their community while doing random acts of kindness."
.....HU?....What the %$#% does that mean, no don't I know what it means.
OK, for the record, Batman is not REAL, if he was, then so would Santa Clause, and the Toothfairy and Zeoro. (I can almost hear the PMs now) I can prove it, if Batman was real, he would be INSAIN!, and most likely gay. Santa Clause, would be locked up for B&E, and the Toothfairy, little stealing pixy.
With all that said, it would make a really cool bike.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and...

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and anyone at Nintendo
PEOED locksmith's...

seems that cracking locks and cracking computer networks has something in common. It takes about the same mind set. Geeks all over the world have been taking up tool, and practice their lock picking skills, and Locksmiths are PISSSED about it. Seems that the gaurded securits of their chosen profession have been leaked.
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Geek Squad at the Devil...

Walmart aka, the Devil is getting a Geek squad. that was so hard to type. For reasons that escape me, it seems that people are buying enough computers at Walmart that Dell has decided to bless them with their very own Geek Squad. I can't go on...
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New flashy thing...

Nikon is hinting that the new D90 will be out sometime latter this year, with specs like 12.something Meg it stands to give the new XTI a run, as we learn more we will keep you informed.
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Why Helmets Don't Suck!

I heard one of my favorites today
Dave H - "So why don't you wear a helmet?"
Someone - "I just ride on trails, and don't go very fast"
I'm just guessing that this guy was not whipping long as a high rate of speed, in the rain, with an umbrella. Once again I know whats going though his mind right now. "This would be a good time for a helmet" In a second or two, what might be going through his face is that umbrella.

See, even GW wears a helmet and we all know hes not very quick
Funny pet of the day...

First off, Batman is real.
Second- Geeks can ride motorcycles, I had a very nice V max for quite some time. I have "upgraded" since then to something that will keep me fit as well, but someday I'll have my Triumph Rocket III to zip around town in too, they've got to start coming back to the shops used any day now. Vrooom vroom!!!!
And Lastly, We will be going to see Batman this weekend, and I can't wait! (Oh, and the tires on that thing would SUCK for turning at all)
Ok, so once again I'm making a correction, Let it be know to all Broken Shami fans, near and wide, thin and fat, short and tall, wide and stout. The Geek known as joe H. may ride a motorcycle. Anyone else that wishes to apply for a Geek Bike pass, must apply to him directly via SMS.
You believe in Batman, but not infinity... interesting
Batman is real, at least as real as anything in Hollywood. :) Infinity on the other hand, is illogical, much moreso than some nut in a bat suit running around a city (Been to NYC at 2am lately? Hell, been at Daves at 10pm? I rest my case).
Infinity is an impossibility by definition. I have actually come up with about 3 more arguments against the possibility of infinity, sometime we will have to discuss. At any rate, someday someone far smarter than I will reason why infinity, along with zero, are non possibilities, and then perhaps we'll see some interesting things from science and math.
Additionally, a fun little paradox invented just to show the relation between zero and infinity-
A nice, simple paradox, which manages to completely confuse mathematical theory. Most people would agree with the following statements:
1. Anything divided by zero is infinity. This is obvious when you start dividing a number by increasingly smaller numbers. eg:
2. Zero multiplied by anything is zero. Therefore, it follows that zero divided by anything is zero, since division by n is the same as multiplication by 1/n. i.e. 0/2=0 X 1/2 = 0
So, here's the paradox: What is zero divided by zero?
:) Of course, as long as we leave division by zero, and infinity out of the discussion, math makes perfect sense. Do NOT look at the elephant in the room! :)
But when I have no money, I can buy zero stuff, so my finical spending power of disposable assets is zero.
Alternatively, I want you to think of a number, then add it to its self, take that number and add it to its self, this might go on for a while.
Ok, I'd like you to think of all the things zero can represent. When you finish that let me know, and then you can explain to me how zero and infinity are different. ;)
And, not to split hairs, but having no money is a logical impossiblity. Not having any money however, is possible. By nature having something which one does not have (I have no money, ie, I posess something in a quantity of nill) presents logistical issues, and is why we are trained to think the way we do.
Here is another for your viewing pleasure, to illustrate how poorly our language skills have become-
An old commercial-
Every refrigerator is not a Frigidaire!
That's great, except by definition it means if I want to buy a refrigerator I'd better be looking for another brand, as the above statement clearly says Frigidaire no longer manufactures this product.
I will completely agree with you that English is stupid.
Would you like it better if I stated it "My current finical spending allotment of disposable assets is zero, there for I have NO money on my at this time"
all I know if what I look in my pocket "there ani't no money in there"
English is stupid, logic is not. If you would like to continue the discussion in Spanish, German, or whatever language, just let me know. I don't believe you completed the request to list all things zero can stand to represent a lack of, and then dispell it's relation to infinity, but I understand the need to dodge that one.
As to the below quoted statement-
"My current finical spending allotment of disposable assets is zero, there for I have NO money on my at this time"
My current amount of X is NO AMOUNT. Or to be more correct, X = ~X, which again places just a small problem with LOGIC (Feel free to use Chinese letters if you like in place of X, you'll still find the same logical issue)
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