My Fountain will beat the crap out of your fountain...

So what do you get when a design geek-et and a engineering geek have a kid. The Vortex Fountain of death. Not really, you get a large acrylic case hidden under slightly blue tinted water with a vortex in the middle, but never the less. REALLY FREAKING COOL
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Leaked Dell Power Point...

In a new Leaked Dell Power Point there is a item of note, no not the coolslice (shaking head) how about the pocket projector!!! I'm guessing thats a large coffee cut, but still dammm!! and its so cute.
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How cool are you, CPU...

Something you never thought I would say, is "That CPU heat sink is Sexy" even better, "You sure to have a purdy mount" This thing looks like something that should be in side a Tesla roadster not my desktop case. On sale for about $60, and can accommodate an assortment of Core 2 and Athlon processors.
Dell back at it again...
So this one has convoluted leak lines, the Wall Street Journals

So here it is, Dell is getting back into the PMP market? with a zing device?? under $100?????? The device I have in the picture is not dell branded but from all accounts that is what it supposed to look like, could see this hitting the street some time this September. Also all new dell PC will come with Zing out of the box. (goody)
I'm feeling so confused.
Its a bird, its a plane, its a lamp???

Can there really be a market for people that want to send in a detailed hi res image of their eyes and have a lamp made from them?
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Muti Touch, Touchpad...

This just makes so much sense it hearts. New Apple notebooks are forthcoming, and with any luck the Macbook touch may be one of them. Sorry honey, we can get married, I have to buy a new computer. From what I can gather, they are putting touch glass where the touch pad used to be, you know that thing on your laptop that you only use when you forget your mouse. But there no mention of putting a display under that screen, but if them do SOLD!
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DirecTV adding 30 HD channels on August 14th...

I hate SAT TV, and internet equally. I know that I may be jaded from my time at Earthlink Inc where I had to tech their crappy SAT product. But this one made my sit up and think it over. DiercTV is adding over 30 HD 1080p channels on August 14th, and then movies in the same format latter this year. That gives them over 130 channels of HD total. Comcast, hello, anyone home???
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You sunk my,,, SHIT that was fast...
The US Navy Spruance-Class destroyer sinking in mere minutes after being hit by a new version of the Mk 48 torpedo. This footage was taking to show the capabilities of the new hardware duding the Rim of the pacific 2008 naval exercise. ahh, hey guys, it works, really, really well.
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MS surface goes round, and round...

So MS surface, you know that gound breaking tech that no one has adopted yet, has gone plaid, well not really but sphere. I not sure the applications for it, but cool never the less. Google earth would be a hole lot more fun!!!
Video in Link (Work Safe)
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I got nailed...

USB drives seem to come in all shapes and sizes these days, and a lot of them are food??? But this one is kind of cute. The Nailed Drive, from Plankon's comes in a 1GB version for about $45. Seems a BIT pricey
Your car told on me...

PSU prof is working on a Anti-Theft system that will allow all the cars in a parking lot to act like a heard of sheep. If one of the cars is stolen, or does not reposed to the group "are we all here command", or does not say good buy when its owner unlocks it, the other cars will contact a base station notifying the police. All of this is supposed to be set up with RFID and a base station. Cool in theory, but I'm interested to see it in action.
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My buddy, my iBuddy...

Here how it works, for $20 bucks on Brandos website, you can get the ibuddy, he can flap, change colors, and I think make a noise. So when ever one of your friends signs on to MSN messenger you will know about it. Cool, gay, but cool. I'm waiting for it to get hacked to work with all IM programs then, almost maybe just to watch the cat flip out.
I love you...

Gaming center, kegarator, Arcade Cabinet, 10 foot screen with built in projector over 200 licensed, and bundled PC titles, PS3 racing games, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii games. Oh did I mention 5.1 surround, oh yea it has that to.
By the way, did you notice the second tap, right next to the drivers seat... Oh yea.
All this can be yours for a check, credit card or money order for $6,995. But you can drive drunk all you want with out tickets or jail time. (almost worth it)
Why Helmets don't suck...

If I was there I would have to laugh, hell I'm here and I'm still laughing
Pet of the Day...

If you have not checked it out, woot is running a woot off, lots of good deals
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