Why hacking is SO good...
I will not publicly condone hacking of any kind. Get me a drink, and we can have a private conversation along the lines of what good is a firewall if you don't have someone to test it. I also feel that "hacker" can, and do provide a viable service. EDUCATION!!! The more you know about the what, how, and who's of your electronic communications tools the we all rely on. Thats were citizen engineer comes in. The offer vidoes on everything from how your cell REALLY works, to how to read information from your sim card and what you can do with it.
Citizen Engineer from citizen engineer on Vimeo.
Camera Month...

Lumix is the summer Sequel, sporting 18x zoom and 14.7Megapixels, plus a standard Ultra-wide angles lenses this could be the real competitor for the Rebel. Time, Date, and channel of the death machine to follow.
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Will use the power of the sea man...

The worlds first tidal power station has gone online in Strangfor Lough, Northern Ireland. Sea water moving due to tidal action spins turbines for about 20 hours each day. Producing 1.2megawatts, roughly enough to supply 1,000 homes. The blades that spin, at only 10 to 15 revolutions per minute, there should be no blended seal due to this idea. Strange I could have sworn that there was something already developed like this for use with wind...hummmm, moving parts underwater, ocean, moving parts, greases, oils, ocean, moving parts, something seems out of place here.
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Did we feed the cats...

When we go on vacation there is one things that always poses to be problematic. Our cats, we have three of them, 1) Beatrix aka(fatcat), shes large, she black, and she ba... lazy 2) Maggie, cute, loveie (to only a select few she hand (paw) picks) and 3) Ozwald, Ozzy for short, the only male (not for much longer :) in the house besides me, basic crack monkey and over all little shit. When we leave for the beach, its always a matter of do we need someone to come over and watch them, or do we just leave more food out and figure that when one of them gets hungry enough they will either kill some fish, or kill the smallest cat. This brings me to my point of fish tanks, when I walk into someones house and see one I assume that they have a cat. Why else would you put up whit all that work if you weren't using the tank as a feeding and watering station as well.
So never the less, here is a hacksword way to keep those fish feed, for when feeding the fish is just to much work?
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WASP Knife...

A knife and a tire inflater all in one, WTF They added a CO2 canister to the handle, so when the knife is inserted into something (one) it will inflate, freeze the local area. Someone put me down for not getting stabbed by this one.
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My Precious...

Why do I always feel like Gollum when I look at a piece of MS hardware and find my self thinking, "Hey that looks nice" So maby MS is not the devil, at least when it comes to hardware. The have announced that the new SideWinder X6 keyboard will be out for sale this fall. Pretty...daddy like
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Why helmets don't Suck...

As a follow up to Fridays post. at least he did not drop the umbrella
Funny Pet Picture of the Day...

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