Can you put my melon in the rubber bag please...

For $120 you can have a bag made from used, bike tires. Well at least I'm helping someone make money by getting pinch flats.
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Fly me to the moon, let me play amongst the stars...
To infinity and space, (No Joe!, sit, stay, Good geek) with a publicly held company, about freaking

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Calling all you crazy people...

Runners, bikers, joggers, anyone who works out indoors will attest that it is more fun being outside. The scenery changes, their are things to see, stuff to experience. I'm not 100% sure this is the answer, but put in some laser tag features and now were talking exercise. Just a thought, could you interface a Wii to this??? Metro Prime just got SOOOO cool.
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Points for creativity, loss of points for practicality...

Ahhh, AHHHHHH, AHHH!!!!! wow, thats creepy, I would so want to wipe her cheek if she was standing in the same room. I might be out of the loop when it comes to womans fashion,,,,,,,,, but is the jewelry market so saturated with standard items that EYE BLING is a needed addition? I shutter to think what the call center freaks will do when they get their collective pierced and tattooed mits on this one.
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Why Helmets don't suck...

For the guy crashing I have a few things to say.
1) Hey, at least you stopped the BIKE before the pole
B) DING, round... oh your out cold. Its over the pole wins by TKO
3) Nice clip out
BRNCB -(Bike Rules Not to Crash By)
AKA McClain's Laws of Cyclist Stupidity
1) Pay attention to what your doing, not how your doing it.
2) Always watch where you are going
3) Always watch where anyone one else is going, if yours and their paths will eventually, or seemingly cross.
4) Cars DON'T SEE YOU!, and turn signals are only for decoration
5) Everything on the ground is large enough to crash on
6) Dogs, Kids, Groundhogs, Geese and Rabbits have no concept of speed, movement, momentum, mass, or appropriate stopping distance.
7) All parked cars have someone in them, about to open a door OR are about to pull out into traffic (see number 4)
8) Sewer grates should be called Tire Sucking Vortexes of Doom (TSVDs)
9) Gloves and Helmets are not OPTIONAL safety equipment only for children under the age of twelve. I can prove this one. After a snow fall go sledding with a 12 year old, hit the jump at the bottom of a overly steep hill. Now you let me know who gets up faster you or the 12 year old. As for the gloves, fall off your bike ONCE, with out them and you'll understand, I hope you don't type for a living.
And lastly,
10) If and when you crash, get it one film so I can exploit your pain ;)
Sending in pictures of the crash, aftermath of bike damage, helmet damage or a voucher of someone seeing the wreck and having to ask are you ok, will earn you a spot in the halls of the "Fraternal Order of the Cracked Helmet" (open to all)
Pet of the day...

Low cut blouse - $36.50
Kitten - $99.99
Watching men get jealous,
I only have one question for this woman, Can I pet the kitty?
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Daddy like!
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