I love multi monitor set ups, I have two at work, and would love to have three at home. The ViDock will allow you to do just that, three, ahhh what happy geeky goodness that would be.
Check out Gismodo review of the device here,
Why hellow, what your name...

Olympus Evolt E-520, released last month and the good folks over at PhotographyBLOG got their hands on a fully functional one. While the things they posted up were brilliant, getting a 4.5 out of 5. They almost called it the perfect camera.
Click Here to Read More
How we see art...

Ever wonder how we see, I mean really why we see the way that we do, well the folks at PopPhot have put together a comprehensive outline of just that subject.
The Photographers Guide to the Eye
Some of the major points;
•Keep in mind that "we see first with our animal selves and then with our acculturated minds." In "bottom- up" seeing we may scan around an image before settling in on the main subject.
•After our animal selves are satisfied, the eye is naturally attracted to areas that generate a conditioned response—like an image involving beauty or sex or something unexpected (see above). This is called "top-down" seeing.
•The goal for any photographer is to appeal to both bottom-up and top-down ways of seeing. However, it may be beneficial to think primitively. In other words, skew towards bottom-up seeing because if the image lacks an instinctual stimulus, it may be difficult for the average viewer to fully comprehend. (I disagree, the goal for any photographer it to make money)
•If you want to draw the eye to non-human aspects of an image, leave out (or obscure) faces. Humans tend to search for emotional significance in a face right off the bat.
Better car, not a better toaster...
"/"Insert Soap Box"/"
Ok, they need to stop. just fire the designer and kick them out of the freaking building. There is nothing, NOTHING wrong with my toaster. It may be a bit of a power hog, and if you can fix that with out messing with the soothing, comforting "shewing,,,pop" sound of my toast popping up then all is well. I don't need a new toaster, I need a CAR THAT DOES NOT RUN ON FOSSIL FUEL!!! I'm not sure if I should make toast with this thing or send an email. I would try to type and burn the hell of my self, thats a induction cook top on the flip side. So its a entire breakfast station. How spacey.
"/"Remove Soap Box"/"
Its raining, I'm showering...

$400 bucks for this one, seems a bit, well I don't know HIGH!!! They hold 47 gallons, are supposed to stay mosquito free and can be chained together. The good folks on Ocracoke island have been doing this for years. You just run a line from all of you down spouts and collect it in a tank, you can't drink it but its good for laundry, showers, and the like.
Gizmodo I love you...

The good folks over at Gizmodo, where I get at least 1/2 my stuff. They put togther a fine explanation of all the different types of computer cables.
Click Here to Read More
New Macs, I swear...

Want proff that apple is rolling out new Macbooks and Ipods, they send out a message to all of their retailers that they should stock up on products now. It was strongly suggested!! Oh goody, goody, goody, goody!!!!!!
Click Here to Read More
Stupid Human trick...

Step 1: Buy Inflatable blob
Step 2: Put Blob in lake
step 3: Put a stupid skinny chick on one end
Step 4: Have a mans man jump on the other end from a good height
Step 5: Stupid Skinny chick craps her self
HOLY CRAP, that chick flys, she has time to take a few breaths in the air before hitting the water. OHHHHHH that had to be painful. But where do i get one of these!!!
Wow, you need to trim your hedges...

I bet I know what their neighbors give them for Christmas!
Left house: Mid Level Microsoft Executive
Right House: Mid Level Apple Executive - and a flaming pot smoker
Why Helmets don't suck...

Girl-"There was something wrong with the sperm that made him"
Pet of the day...

See, I told you I was funny
"Home Depot takes a finical down turn with their introduction of the "Husky Brick", this new