Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sexy, Sexy...

Now thats a desk...

I love multi monitor set ups, I have two at work, and would love to have three at home. The ViDock will allow you to do just that, three, ahhh what happy geeky goodness that would be.

Check out Gismodo review of the device here,

Why hellow, what your name...

Olympus Evolt E-520, released last month and the good folks over at PhotographyBLOG got their hands on a fully functional one. While the things they posted up were brilliant, getting a 4.5 out of 5. They almost called it the perfect camera.

Click Here to Read More

How we see art...

Ever wonder how we see, I mean really why we see the way that we do, well the folks at PopPhot have put together a comprehensive outline of just that subject.

The Photographers Guide to the Eye

Some of the major points;

•Keep in mind that "we see first with our animal selves and then with our acculturated minds." In "bottom- up" seeing we may scan around an image before settling in on the main subject.

•After our animal selves are satisfied, the eye is naturally attracted to areas that generate a conditioned response—like an image involving beauty or sex or something unexpected (see above). This is called "top-down" seeing.

•The goal for any photographer is to appeal to both bottom-up and top-down ways of seeing. However, it may be beneficial to think primitively. In other words, skew towards bottom-up seeing because if the image lacks an instinctual stimulus, it may be difficult for the average viewer to fully comprehend. (I disagree, the goal for any photographer it to make money)

•If you want to draw the eye to non-human aspects of an image, leave out (or obscure) faces. Humans tend to search for emotional significance in a face right off the bat.

Better car, not a better toaster...

"/"Insert Soap Box"/"
Ok, they need to stop. just fire the designer and kick them out of the freaking building. There is nothing, NOTHING wrong with my toaster. It may be a bit of a power hog, and if you can fix that with out messing with the soothing, comforting "shewing,,,pop" sound of my toast popping up then all is well. I don't need a new toaster, I need a CAR THAT DOES NOT RUN ON FOSSIL FUEL!!! I'm not sure if I should make toast with this thing or send an email. I would try to type and burn the hell of my self, thats a induction cook top on the flip side. So its a entire breakfast station. How spacey.
"/"Remove Soap Box"/"

Its raining, I'm showering...

$400 bucks for this one, seems a bit, well I don't know HIGH!!! They hold 47 gallons, are supposed to stay mosquito free and can be chained together. The good folks on Ocracoke island have been doing this for years. You just run a line from all of you down spouts and collect it in a tank, you can't drink it but its good for laundry, showers, and the like.

Gizmodo I love you...

The good folks over at Gizmodo, where I get at least 1/2 my stuff. They put togther a fine explanation of all the different types of computer cables.

Click Here to Read More

New Macs, I swear...

Want proff that apple is rolling out new Macbooks and Ipods, they send out a message to all of their retailers that they should stock up on products now. It was strongly suggested!! Oh goody, goody, goody, goody!!!!!!

Click Here to Read More

Stupid Human trick...

Step 1: Buy Inflatable blob
Step 2: Put Blob in lake
step 3: Put a stupid skinny chick on one end
Step 4: Have a mans man jump on the other end from a good height
Step 5: Stupid Skinny chick craps her self

HOLY CRAP, that chick flys, she has time to take a few breaths in the air before hitting the water. OHHHHHH that had to be painful. But where do i get one of these!!!

Wow, you need to trim your hedges...

I bet I know what their neighbors give them for Christmas!

Left house: Mid Level Microsoft Executive
Right House: Mid Level Apple Executive - and a flaming pot smoker

Why Helmets don't suck...

Boy-"If I can trick down these stairs one of these girls will sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppepepepepepepepepepepe... , can someone please call an ambulance for me please?"

Girl-"There was something wrong with the sperm that made him"

Pet of the day...

See, I told you I was funny

"Home Depot takes a finical down turn with their introduction of the "Husky Brick", this new building block was supposed to offer your home a organic architectural element, and kids love them"

Hit the sause...

Good ride home last night, did not get to leave here till 5:15 so traffic was a little nutz, but other then that I put some hard rock and roll on the player, and beat up the road.

Numbers on the days:

Time: 52:24:01
Avg: 13.1
Max: 25.6
Trip: 11.5
ODO : 309

Total Savings: $440 in gas and parking!!! I have now saved more then it cost to fix my bike up for this little adventure. Now all additional moneys go into the Honey Moon fund.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Water go down the hole...

Holy geek report!!! Lots to talk about today so lets get on with it

My Fountain will beat the crap out of your fountain...

So what do you get when a design geek-et and a engineering geek have a kid. The Vortex Fountain of death. Not really, you get a large acrylic case hidden under slightly blue tinted water with a vortex in the middle, but never the less. REALLY FREAKING COOL

Video in link(safe for work)
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Leaked Dell Power Point...

In a new Leaked Dell Power Point there is a item of note, no not the coolslice (shaking head) how about the pocket projector!!! I'm guessing thats a large coffee cut, but still dammm!! and its so cute.

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How cool are you, CPU...

Something you never thought I would say, is "That CPU heat sink is Sexy" even better, "You sure to have a purdy mount" This thing looks like something that should be in side a Tesla roadster not my desktop case. On sale for about $60, and can accommodate an assortment of Core 2 and Athlon processors.

Dell back at it again...

So this one has convoluted leak lines, the Wall Street Journals morning read from hinted at it. I searched and found two engadget posts about it, in reverse order. 1) showing the product, 2) released latter then the first, hinting about a leak of a unknown product????

So here it is, Dell is getting back into the PMP market? with a zing device?? under $100?????? The device I have in the picture is not dell branded but from all accounts that is what it supposed to look like, could see this hitting the street some time this September. Also all new dell PC will come with Zing out of the box. (goody)

I'm feeling so confused.

Its a bird, its a plane, its a lamp???

Can there really be a market for people that want to send in a detailed hi res image of their eyes and have a lamp made from them?

Click Here to Read More

Muti Touch, Touchpad...

This just makes so much sense it hearts. New Apple notebooks are forthcoming, and with any luck the Macbook touch may be one of them. Sorry honey, we can get married, I have to buy a new computer. From what I can gather, they are putting touch glass where the touch pad used to be, you know that thing on your laptop that you only use when you forget your mouse. But there no mention of putting a display under that screen, but if them do SOLD!

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DirecTV adding 30 HD channels on August 14th...

I hate SAT TV, and internet equally. I know that I may be jaded from my time at Earthlink Inc where I had to tech their crappy SAT product. But this one made my sit up and think it over. DiercTV is adding over 30 HD 1080p channels on August 14th, and then movies in the same format latter this year. That gives them over 130 channels of HD total. Comcast, hello, anyone home???

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You sunk my,,, SHIT that was fast...

The US Navy Spruance-Class destroyer sinking in mere minutes after being hit by a new version of the Mk 48 torpedo. This footage was taking to show the capabilities of the new hardware duding the Rim of the pacific 2008 naval exercise. ahh, hey guys, it works, really, really well.

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Video Here

MS surface goes round, and round...

So MS surface, you know that gound breaking tech that no one has adopted yet, has gone plaid, well not really but sphere. I not sure the applications for it, but cool never the less. Google earth would be a hole lot more fun!!!

Video in Link (Work Safe)
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I got nailed...

USB drives seem to come in all shapes and sizes these days, and a lot of them are food??? But this one is kind of cute. The Nailed Drive, from Plankon's comes in a 1GB version for about $45. Seems a BIT pricey

Your car told on me...

PSU prof is working on a Anti-Theft system that will allow all the cars in a parking lot to act like a heard of sheep. If one of the cars is stolen, or does not reposed to the group "are we all here command", or does not say good buy when its owner unlocks it, the other cars will contact a base station notifying the police. All of this is supposed to be set up with RFID and a base station. Cool in theory, but I'm interested to see it in action.

Click Here to Read More

My buddy, my iBuddy...

Here how it works, for $20 bucks on Brandos website, you can get the ibuddy, he can flap, change colors, and I think make a noise. So when ever one of your friends signs on to MSN messenger you will know about it. Cool, gay, but cool. I'm waiting for it to get hacked to work with all IM programs then, almost maybe just to watch the cat flip out.

I love you...


Gaming center, kegarator, Arcade Cabinet, 10 foot screen with built in projector over 200 licensed, and bundled PC titles, PS3 racing games, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii games. Oh did I mention 5.1 surround, oh yea it has that to.

By the way, did you notice the second tap, right next to the drivers seat... Oh yea.

All this can be yours for a check, credit card or money order for $6,995. But you can drive drunk all you want with out tickets or jail time. (almost worth it)

Why Helmets don't suck...

If I was there I would have to laugh, hell I'm here and I'm still laughing

Pet of the Day...

If you have not checked it out, woot is running a woot off, lots of good deals

No reset for a few days,

So I have not reset the cycle computer in a few days, just to see what some numbers would look like over a few days.

Time: 3:15:48
Avg: 12.2
Max: 27.5
Trip: 39.9
ODO: 298 Oh yea....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slow Geek Day...

Kind of a slow geek day but will do the best we can

Can you put my melon in the rubber bag please...

For $120 you can have a bag made from used, bike tires. Well at least I'm helping someone make money by getting pinch flats.

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Fly me to the moon, let me play amongst the stars...

To infinity and space, (No Joe!, sit, stay, Good geek) with a publicly held company, about freaking time. So this design marvel will be hitting space with a bang, well not really. They are looking at a testing set of just 40 flight, after that we will finally have space travel with in the reach of the average Joe, well then again I'm guessing that this will be so dam expensive that for quite a while it will be just a bit cost prohibitive.

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Calling all you crazy people...

Runners, bikers, joggers, anyone who works out indoors will attest that it is more fun being outside. The scenery changes, their are things to see, stuff to experience. I'm not 100% sure this is the answer, but put in some laser tag features and now were talking exercise. Just a thought, could you interface a Wii to this??? Metro Prime just got SOOOO cool.

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Points for creativity, loss of points for practicality...

Ahhh, AHHHHHH, AHHH!!!!! wow, thats creepy, I would so want to wipe her cheek if she was standing in the same room. I might be out of the loop when it comes to womans fashion,,,,,,,,, but is the jewelry market so saturated with standard items that EYE BLING is a needed addition? I shutter to think what the call center freaks will do when they get their collective pierced and tattooed mits on this one.

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Why Helmets don't suck...
For the guy crashing I have a few things to say.
1) Hey, at least you stopped the BIKE before the pole
B) DING, round... oh your out cold. Its over the pole wins by TKO
3) Nice clip out

BRNCB -(Bike Rules Not to Crash By)
AKA McClain's Laws of Cyclist Stupidity
1) Pay attention to what your doing, not how your doing it.
2) Always watch where you are going
3) Always watch where anyone one else is going, if yours and their paths will eventually, or seemingly cross.
4) Cars DON'T SEE YOU!, and turn signals are only for decoration
5) Everything on the ground is large enough to crash on
6) Dogs, Kids, Groundhogs, Geese and Rabbits have no concept of speed, movement, momentum, mass, or appropriate stopping distance.
7) All parked cars have someone in them, about to open a door OR are about to pull out into traffic (see number 4)
8) Sewer grates should be called Tire Sucking Vortexes of Doom (TSVDs)
9) Gloves and Helmets are not OPTIONAL safety equipment only for children under the age of twelve. I can prove this one. After a snow fall go sledding with a 12 year old, hit the jump at the bottom of a overly steep hill. Now you let me know who gets up faster you or the 12 year old. As for the gloves, fall off your bike ONCE, with out them and you'll understand, I hope you don't type for a living.
And lastly,
10) If and when you crash, get it one film so I can exploit your pain ;)

Sending in pictures of the crash, aftermath of bike damage, helmet damage or a voucher of someone seeing the wreck and having to ask are you ok, will earn you a spot in the halls of the "Fraternal Order of the Cracked Helmet" (open to all)

Pet of the day...

Low cut blouse - $36.50
Kitten - $99.99
Watching men get jealous,

I only have one question for this woman, Can I pet the kitty?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Getting Geeky with it...

ahhhhh, sleeping in and being driven to work, so this is how Paris Hilton feels with out the going to work part.

Now on the greak, geeky, goodness..


Did Iron Man have a beer gut in the original? For some reason I don't remember...

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Mean, Green, 500GB machine...

I like SimpleTech, one of their drives is sitting on my desk right this moment. It does not look like this one, yet.

Check out the officering;

ECO - Friendly External Hard drive
No Fan
Aluminum casing
Low power
Energy Star Power adapter
Turbo USB 2.0??
Bamboo outer shell (nice look)

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Wii Canoe...

I love outdoor geeks, and its green!

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Its a bir.... what the hell is it...

Need a lamp, how about a fan, web cam, USB hub? all in one,, aha, got you see you do really need something Brandos makes. Well thats just what this thing in, for $23 bucks, you can have a desk lap with LED's, a webcam, voice input and a desk fan. And it all runs from USB, sweet.

Why Helmets don't suck...

OUCH!!!!! this is really going to stuck in a moment when that chain ring goes over him. Boy I hope he tucked down and not up today.

Pet picture of the day...

Cat - "Did you see a mouse go by here?"

Mouse - "Don't move my tail, don't move my tail, don't move my tail,"

Friday, July 25, 2008

Geek Squad...

Awwwwww, Poor Jar Jar...

This is the best thing Lukas could have done with Jar Jar is to kill him, this is a close second.

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Golden Shellback Moving forward...

This stuff is SO cool. Very much looking forward to when it gets released.

Golden Shellback Gadget Waterproofing from Gizmodo on Vimeo.
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Bill vs. Steve

Psst.... Make Bill jump, there is also allot of hidden stuff in this game.

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Space Mouse...

No not squeak squeak, but click, click. Its called the Alien Mouse, and while its only a concept at the moment is the first of its kind. Hey the experts said that the mouse was dead in five years as a technology. Well that's good, cause you know its time to get ride of a device that has rendered the right hand of an entire generation useless.

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Cling ON...

I know what your thinking by the title, and that's not it. They say, that we should unplug all of our gismos when we are not using them, cause the still suck up some power. I like that idea in theory, but the practice is a pain in the back side. I'm not really sure this will help, but is a cool idea never the less.

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Shinny, daddy like...

WOW, wow, WoW!!!


2.5 inch display
H.264 and MKV support
1080p overr HDMI and 5.1 channel out
FM TRANSmitter
Photo Viewer
Ebook with both PAL and NTSC compatibility
160GB version - $278
320GB version (Korea) -$328

also of note is the Cowon P5 PMP Here

Its a bird, no its a plane, its, its, A corn Harvester???

Want to fly a play with out a jet, or propeller, ok get a glider. Oh you want to fly a plane under power well then you will need something like this. Powered by what is being called "distributed-propulsion vortex-lift" this thing can fly for an extremely extended period of time under its own power. seems that the designers got the idea by looking at the blade cylinders used in harvesting machines. In fact, that's exactly what it looks like, a flying harvester.


I want to get behind this I really do. E-ink, non flashing displays, save some trees, print less, instant download of content. I REALLY, really want to get behind this tech, BUT everything I look at them I first see the price, then I see the PRICE AGAIN (damm man) then I start thinking about the Palm I bought right before the Blackberry was relished. I loved PDA, used them for everything, still have a nice one that I take to meetings, but this so much feels just like that. Oh you bought a PDA, does it have a phone it in, No... interesting. I keep thinking that the second I get one of these, they will either stop publishing book in the format or close the project entirely. Well I guess there is still hope for epaper.

Oh yea, Sony is opening their device up to other formats, probably should mention that.

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Why Helmets Don't Suck...

Bike race in Mexico, Drunk Driver from the States, vacation does not mean you get to be a fool for two weeks. Sadly one cyclist lost their life in this accident, amazingly only one cyclist lost their lives in this accident. For all of you that say "I don't ride on roads, I don't need to where a helmet" I say, drunks don't always drive on roads.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!
wait, some survived..

Funny pet of the day...

I felt the same why when I got my first mouse, I guess he is still to young to relies its just a gateway

Hitten the Road...

Good ride in today, FAST right home last night. I was like the wind, well the wind holding up a large meat eating manual.
Numbers on the Day:

Time: 1:28:31
Avg: 11.7
Max: 27.0 (oh yea)
Trip: 17.3
ODO: 275

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Wow, what a good geeken day, so lets get on with the show

All, my friends drive a low rider..

Giant is rolling out its Twist Freedom DX bicycle, an electric bike that usese a byboglike mix of muscle and machine power to propel riders as far as 75 miles on a single charge. Hitting the check book for about $2,000 its a procey bike. They are toting it as the car replacement for thouse pissed about gas prices, price may be high, but it worked for Segway right. I think its a great idea, just dont call it a work out, ever.

Gadget vs. Shoes

In our house hold there are two main weekness, My love of all things geeky, and My fienaces love of shoes. So I found this artical relevent, how mush of her stuff equals me getting something of my stuff?

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It's XM, no its Sirius, no its both...

So its been out for a while now that XM and Sirius are merging, we all have just been waiting for the FCC to approve it. It looks like the will have to fork over an additional $20M to make the deal happen and agree to several enforcement terms. I cant' wait till we can see content updates again, better service, more channels, less commercials (yea right). I wonder if my old device will still be supported???

Getting your game on, and Vader's going to be PISSED...

I love games, always have, just something about forgetting the world for a while seems to appear to me. That and you get to blow stuff up,, cool. While this looks like it would make me throw up playing a First Person Shooter, a driving game would probably be phenomenal. I wonder if the outer shell from the Darth Vader's chamber on the Death Star comes with it, cause hes going to be pissed when he finds out that geeks have his chair. (can you believe I cant find a good image of that on the internet)

Oh yea, its $479.00...

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No Spill..

Is this really a problem? Maybe, just maybe you should not be poring your Soda (pop) next to your gadgets. Just a thought

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But it's not a motorcycle sweetie...

Cool concept, the Magic Tricycle will be able to convert from two wheals to three depending on the driving mode that you require. I would also hope that with two people sitting side by side it would convert based on speed and the likely hood of falling over.

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Oh you sexy wii...

Just watch the video.. If you are work, you will want to turn your speakers low or your cube mates might wonder a bit.

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Dust Bad...

Someone in Australia recorded a REALLY bad ass looking dust storm while driving toward it!!! Seeing that I know nothing about them I cant tell you if they are or are not dangerous, but I'm just guessing they are hard on the air intake filters in your car.

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Why Helmets don't Suck!

Cat's Captivity

DAY 752 - My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another houseplant.

DAY 761 - Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded, must try this at the top of the stairs. In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair... must try this on their bed.

DAY 762 - Slept all day so that I could annoy my captors with sleep depriving, incessant pleas for food at ungodly hours of the night.

DAY 765 - Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body, in attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear into their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was... Hmmm. Not working according to plan ...

DAY 768 - I am finally aware of how sadistic they are. For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture. This time however it included a burning foamy chemical called "shampoo." What sick minds could invent such a liquid. My only consolation is the piece of thumb still stuck between my teeth.

DAY 771 - There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices. I was placed in solitary throughout the event. However, I could hear the noise and smell the foul odor of the glass tubes they call "beer." More importantly I overheard that my confinement was due to MY power of "allergies." Must learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage.

DAY 774 - I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit. The Bird on the other hand has got to be an informant. He has mastered their frightful tongue. (something akin to mole speak) and speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in the metal room his safety is assured. But I can wait, it is only a matter of time...