Monday, August 4, 2008

Hippy dippy Geek Report...

Ok so I slacked off on Friday, actually I was working, Go figure...

USB plus Highlighter...

Well that was always something I needed, an USB flash drive that is also a highlighter.

You to can have this niffty device by High Dexx, for only,, I have no idea there is no price listed.

Something good from Something bad...

If you did not see the cop body check of a Critical Mass rider in NY yet I would recommend hitting it up on the web somewhere. If something good was going to come of all this, its the NYPD Comish Ray Kelly has opened user-generated crime reports to the general public. What does that mean you ask, well it means that now the NYPD will be actually lessening and watching recordings made by citizens on their cell phones and PDAs. I feel so much better that the security of NY city is now in the hands of the general Populace.

Go, Go gadget beer belt...

Batman would be so proud


$18.00 at

Solar sail bag...

Solar sail bags, so bags made from recycled sails with solar cells. Currently only available in Europe and could cost upwards of $275, to $385 depending on battery options. 2.5W panel, and the Lake, Sea where the sail was used, and by what boat.

And the winner is....

Best digital cameras of 2008 by JD power

Click Here to Read More

Why hello Mr Bond, Here is your Leatherman...

Because only a British Security Agent would be able to afford it at $40,000. No I did not mistype that, 40 F(*&(@ING grand.

And who said pigeons are stupid...

I think the bird is kicking his tail feathers

A nice fire to lug around...

At 55 lbs. a $3,300 dollar price tag, and burning for 2.5 to 3.5 hours on one fuel cell may seem like a lot of money and hassle. But hey it could all be worth the night of romance it results in. If not I'm sure this is a sure fire way to burn the cat.

Sexy, Sexy, Sexy...

Want a truly cool blue tooth head set. Check these bad boys out. Dunt, Dunt, da, da, Dunt, Dunt, da, da, Dunt, Dunt, dadadadadadadadad, dadadadadadad. (Mission Impossible theam sound in case you could not tell.)

Two Version: $86 (web page Natzis, will not allow you to go BACK!!!!!!!) $100 (nice lay out to the web page, plus some of their other tech is COOL)

X-Fii = Cool, Mozaic = ...

I'm not sure how I feel about this one, Creative got a bit more creative with its Zen Mosaic. It comes in 2 and 4GB flavors, for $59.99 and $79.99, 1.8-inch display with 36 hours of audio, 5 hours of video. Its a low end DAP, but I just don't think I like it, and I don't know why

To Beth NoName...

I would like to thank you for taking so much time to send me a Private message, since we have never, will never and hopefully never been able to claim to be acquaintances. I was truly astounded by the length and forethought you put into your message. In reference to the items you outlined I have the following responses.

1) My use of grammar on my blog
You are absolutely correct, I do use use proper grammar on my Blog, in this I say, Read post number 1. Also this blog does not, was not intended to, and most likely will never get that much traffic. I do this for something to keep my self occupied with, keep communication up with my friends, and to share some of the things I find with other. I am amazed that you have such the issues you did with my grammar, its the internet, get over it. After that, if you don't like the way I write, DON'T READ IT!!
2) Use of Engadget posts
They don't care
I link to their site, increasing there traffic (they like that you know)
If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!!!
3) Links to all that bike stuff
I bike to work, again Read post 1. My friends are bikers. We like biking, its my blog, I'm going to put things up that I/we like to do. Not what you/you like to do. Again, if you don't like the links I have posted DON'T CLICK ON THEM!!!
4) Posting of other peoples pets (OPP)
Photos of other peoples pets on the web being re-used for my person enjoyment is not copyright law infringement. For it to be copyright infringement, there has to be a Copyright on it you slack jawed chuckle head. Also if you were a pet owner, and not just a pet, you would understand that we (pet owners) love when other people enjoy pictures of our pets, and have no problem at all with someone using that image. Now if you can find some, who, I have used their pets picture, and gives a flying rat crap that its on my blog. I will happy remove it with full apologies, and please don't send me another PM with how many pets you own, and how long you have been a pet owner and that you would not want me using your pets pictures, I really don't care. Again, if you find my use of OPP on the blog, DON'T READ IT!!!
5) The why helmets don't suck series
If looking at someone falling from a bike, makes you get sick to your stomach then you will LOVE todays why helmets don't suck. Let me make something very, very, very clear to you BETH, bike helmets are a good thing. They save lives, keep people walking, riding, swimming, BREATHING every day. But please, do me a favor, i don't want you to wear one, EVER. Also, I don't care if you were offended, you dont have the right to not be offended. no where in the documents that founded this country and gave its citizens their rights under its laws is "You have the right to not be offended". Again I say unto you, the thorn in my ass. If you don't like, what I post, the way I post it, or the pictures I use DON'T READ IT!!! please...

Be aware, if you feel it necessary to respond to any of these comments, I will be posting you full Private message as a new Post for review and discussion by our members. (Joe H. and Dave H.) will be more then happy to discusses the finner points of your message with you. Also feel free to contact Blogger regarding my site, I have read their by laws, Rule and Regs and NOTHING on this site is out of their scope, and AUP.

(not grammar checked for your enjoyment)

Why helmets don't suck...

Non-Helmet user: "I don't want to look stupid on my bike'
Me: "You look stupid if you don't wear one"
Non-Helmet user: "I'm trying to pick up some ladies man, the helmets is killing my vibe"
Me: "I betcha that this guys vibe was killed to"
Non-Helmet user: "He was in the wrong place at the wrong time"
Me: "He was on a bike PATH"
Non-Helmet user: "They probably crawled out with nothing but road rash"
Me: "Do you see that red mark on the ground, that's not catsup, they don't paint your tires with that orange spray paint for a fender bender"
Non-Helmet user: "A helmet would never had saved him dude"
Me: "Maybe, but now they will never find out"

Pet of the day...


Joe said...

Anyone who uses the last name of "noname" loses all credibility in my book. It's amazing how many people will keep coming to a blog or site they claim to dislike. I personally hassle a guy on another blog, but he has it coming, he's a habitual whiner, and deserves my scorn. :)

Beth Noname, hows about you put a nice big sausage in your hole (you choose which one) it might just take your mind of how pissed of at the world you are. :)

Jason G. McClain said...

Beth, meet Joe... comments?

Joe said...

Beth most likely won't post here, she after all isn't looking to discuss or debate anything, she's going to limit herself to pm's, that would be my guess.

As a parting shot across her bow, I offer the following-

Grammar and spelling are minor flaws, the general message can still most time be understood, even with most of a word mis-spelled humans can often still understand the words (you can research this on your own if you like, consider it homework). Being an internet bitch however, is quite possible non-treatable. Good luck to you and your Nazi spell checker.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dyslexics of the World UNTIE

Joe said...

How shocking, no reply from Beth. I now dub thee queen of cuntland.