Tuesday, June 17, 2008


No, not the Tour De France team, my back tire. It must be loosing some pressure over night cause when I got to Dave's this morning my tire felt a little soft. So I pumped it up a bit and made the ride in. The ride in was good, legs felt strong, I jumped up on my big chain ring for a while, things went well. I even chased another commuter for most of my ride in, but just could not catch him.

Numbers on the day;
Millage: 9.9
Moving Time: 24.14
Max Speed: 21.5
Average Speed: 11.1

Ride home,

So I guessing I'm loosing air while the bike sits at work, so the ride home was a little bit harder then I think it should have been. I'm going to have to go to the LBS and get a new tube and make the change. (I hate changing tubes)

'Its all downhill, breath"

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